If masked protectors of one of the most powerful men on the planet, at one time or another, could blush, one would've at that. Since Zinnia was only in costume, she actually did. She had had plenty of flowers thrown at her back home, but never with actual meaning. She took it and examined Iron, from freshly-lacquered shoe to the very top of his top hat, lingering in certain areas. [color=maroon]"Huh, you clean up very nicely, Iron. Wanna head inside?"[/color] She asked, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one leg. [hr] Aaron reached into his suit, drawing a white dress, wings, and a spray painted coat hanger made into a halo. [color=teal]"So, I made a wild guess and thought you'd like an angel costume. Ironic, really."[/color] He set it on the couch and took a step back, crossing his arms in from of himself. [color=teal]"Your choice. Either be a hermit, or put on a dress and do something. You're stuck here, might as well enjoy it a little."[/color] He leaned on the wall and donned his clown mask, then crossed his arms.