[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4PFqZdq.png[/img][/center] [center]Brimstone Part Two![/center] [center][color=red]In need of some player characters![/color][/center] Dark fissures rip through the night sky in the land of Jerrovia. Take heart young adventurers and survive in the ever changing landscape. Evil creatures terrorize the provinces of the Empire, and our war has just begun. [hider=The story so far] [Hider=Part One Premise] [hider=Part One Banner][img]http://i.imgur.com/cGNmE5I.png[/img] [/hider] No one remembers why it was founded, and no one remembers it’s original purpose, but the Imperial throne has been around long before the history books can remember. For many years a person of the old blood would sit on the throne as emperor of Jerrovia, the continent in which we all live. For many of years the throne united the land, and for many of years all the nobles and kings of the united lands would come and feast at the imperial palace, and dance the festivals dances in the gardens. However, for the last couple hundred years this was not so. The Throne slowly lost its influence and the kings of the land started to brood in their own affairs, and waged war on their neighbors. Slowly the throne fell into darkness as the land fell into the individual hands of the kings and nobles. The festivals of the imperial court stopped, and a sickly shadow fell upon the palace. No longer did the Throne unite the land, and thirty years ago when a lunatic was crowned the Emperor of the Imperial throne, no one attended, completely shunning the emperor once and for all, an emperor who was found late to his own coronation, busy chewing on one of the great trees of the garden. As a mad man reigns on a powerless throne, the kings lament. The throne that could unite the lands is kept warm by a lunatic, and a sickly rumor among the indigenous elves of the imperial province speaks of a dark and ancient force that favors this turn of events, waiting and brooding for the perfect moment to slither into action. You take up the role of one of these Kings of the old blood lines, and nobles of the long decentralized land. You may do what you will with your kingdom. You may unite the land as your own bottom warms the imperial throne, or throw the land into further decentralization, maybe even marry the lunatics logical son or beautiful daughter and push your own claims. You have the power to provoke this dark force, or purge it, kill the lunatic, or support his mad rantings about purple chickens. Take the extremely valuable land that is the Imperial province and it’s limitless perks, or stay content with your own mundane landscape. This is your land, and you decide what happens to it. But you will not be alone, and you will not be without challenge. A force favors the Lunatic, and other players may plot their own success on top of your grave. Who will rise as the Emperor, and who will rise as the Hero, or the Villain? [/hider] [hider=Part Two Premise and Summary for New Players] This is it, diplomacy has failed, and an ancient evil has been revealed! Otherworldly forces threaten our very existence and plummet the entirety of Jerrovia into total war. Why has this happened? How can we stop it? What in the Graces is going on? That is up to the story to answer. Immerge yourself in the ever changing landscape of Brimstone, take control of your own nation under the Empire’s banner, perhaps a single faction of mercenaries or wayward priests, or simply take up arms as a single character, the choice is yours. Treachery, war, intrigue, drama and comedy await you in this realm. You decide what happens to the land and the fate of the people, what will you do? [center][u]Summary of Part One[/u][/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80046-brimstone/ooc]Brimstone Part One[/url][/center] We started with the wedding of Imperial Princess Josephine to King Escaen of The Delta, as well as the issue with the fact that the Empire of the entire known world was a lunatic who by this point has done many many things to prove this point, on top of a possible murder allegation of his own wife, the mother of Prince George and Princess Josephine. The night of the wedding, after doing the deed, Josephine was awoken by a strange dream that showed her getting stabbed through the stomach in a strange forest. Unable to sleep again and with the image of a knife on the throne burned into her mind, she took to the halls of the palace. A strange cloaked man is found with the knife and the Emperor, performing a strange blood ritual next to the large tree in the garden It is revealed to be the lute player from Josephine’s wedding, and at the sight of eveyone coming to stop his strange ritual, he vanishes in thin air. George finds references of strange musicians popping up in Jerrovian history and tells Josephine. Josephine against George’s wishes gathers a band of heroes to hunt down the lute player and the stolen knife While Prince George fights a rebellious king in Aaldorenfeald, Josephine traverses the Imperial forests in search of the musician Josephine, Das (Kafshe Achian elf hero of the dwarven wars), and Gennisberg meet and follow a massive bull man, a mysterious stranger who seems to know everything and carries a giant book on his back. The minotaur claims to know the way to the lute player The bullman (Freg) leads the group to an Imperial checkpoint (This is where the connector post picks up) (George defeats the rebels in Aaldorenfeald but spares the king with a sentence of exile instead of execution. His march home is interrupted by Reginald randomly showing up, this is where the palace post starts.) [center][u]What now?[/u][/center] A ancient seal has been broken and the sky has lost it’s color. Swirls of red and black paint the sky and the summer is at it’s end and autumn has begun. Evil disfigured humans appear out of pitch black shadows that seem to levitate just above the ground. These beings of corruption and chaos pillage, kill, and destroy everything you hold dear (or perhaps you feel like they have a good thing going and want to capitalize on this). Either way, from the Imperial forest the bulk of this dark army marches, and word of isolated incidents of small roving bands of evil creatures dot your nation’s landscape. Should you do nothing, they will destroy your nation and conquer your lands. On top of all this, the Empire is in danger. The Imperial province is a hive of war and evil, and the heir (George) is lost in the fighting to do any real administration beyond the flaps of a battle tent. The Emperor is missing alongside the Imperial Marshal, the Capital is under siege by the big baddies, and Josephine is possibly dead, things do not bode well. Note: the bulk of the dark forces are composed of void skinned beasts with disfigured limbs of corded muscle and twisted faces. [/hider] [/hider] [Hider=Race, Religion, and Magic Guides] [hider=Races] [hider=Humans] Humans come in all shapes and sizes, and are relatively diverse in culture. The common accepted theory of their origin was that they were born in the Imperial Province and in Stromism, granted the power over all should they work for it. The Empire for the most part is considered a strange hybrid of Elven and Human ideals, but in the end it is most often stereotyped as a massive human creation, with strictly human ideals. Human personalities, cultures, and philosophies are as wide ranged as the entire continent of Jerrovia in which they inhabit every corner. Humans tend to review all religions, but it is notable that Stromism is a claimed human created religion and many Human nations revere it’s teachings as their own. The Imperial Family, which is human, practices a special hybrid of Tagschlictism and Stromism native to the Imperial Province. [/hider] [hider=Forest Elves] These beings stand a slight shorter than the average Human, if even noticeable. They are usually boyish in the face, even at older ages, and live just as long as the average human should they take care of themselves. They come in all shapes and sizes but tend to keep a more feminine physique when compared to the humans and even some of the men are as lithe as their boastfully beautiful women. Thier skin tends to be a slightly sun kissed white or peach in color and is usually hairless and without natural flaw. They do have pointed ears. They also tend to have lighter colored hair and eyes and only reaching a brown as the darkest shade. Myth and Legend claims they were born out of the Imperial Forest and hold significant claim to the creation of the Empire, despite it’s human autocracy. Some Elven nations and beliefs further claim that they solely have claim on Jerrovia and are responsible for the Empire despite the human interventions. The common religion for Elves is Tagschlictism, which was born from the Imperial Forest as same were the elves. [/hider] [hider=Achian Elves] Much like their Forest relatives, except myths claim they were a tempered version of the Forest Elves, and born from the Achian Mountains and wilderness rather than the Imperial Forest. One Dwarven legend states that Stenmur himself saw the plight of the lost forest elves in his home of the Achians, and took them and reforged them so that they might survive in the harsh mountains. Their hair tends to be pitch black and they gaze through red and amber eyes. Despite their relation to the forest elves, their men are not as effeminate or crafted to slip through the thick trees of the forests but tend to be built more like human males, broad and rugged when applicable. Their skin is as grey as the stones of the Achians, and unlike their forest brothers, they tend to review the teachings of Kafshe and Stenmur more often than Tagschlictism. [/hider] [hider=Dwarves] Also known as the children of Stenmur. Whether they are in fact the offspring of the Crafter God or not remains a myth, but they are in fact one of the most industrial beings of Jerrovia. Like the Achian Elves, they were born from the Achian Mountains. They are a hairy race and grow beards and other bodily hairs at an increased rate. Their skin and colors may be as varied as the humans, but their bodies tend to be blocky and short, standing as wide as a human at half the height. Their women tend to share these same qualities as the men, except perhaps for the lack of beard. They tend to live in natural or artificial caverns and caves, and even massive underground cities or settlements built into mountain faces. Most revere Stenmur and his teachings and some even claim that some day the Crafter God is going to rise from the roots of the Achian Mountains and with his mighty hammer and anvil, craft all the settlements of the Dwarves into one. [/hider] [hider=Goblins] These beings are as short as the dwarves, just not as wide and rugged. Their skin is a hue of green and the tend to have large noses and black beady eyes. They are considered an ugly race, but it is known that not all of the goblin tribes suffer boils and pimples, and a few can even be admired for their athletic wild physiques Most goblins steer clear of civilized settlements, whether for the lack of civility or the amazing amounts of Kafshe Goblins remains to be proven. These creatures are sometimes considered stupid or dumb, but there is no solid proof that this race is any less intelligent than the others, albeit they tend to be a lot more superstitious, prone to infighting and at times seemingly easier to spook. They are claimed to be born of the Achians as well in some Dwarven legends, crafted from left overs in Stenmurs Forge. The Elves however claim they were made by the Graces to counterbalance the purity of the forest elves, and even some claim they are agents of Nachtism and beasts of the Void Dweller. Whatever their origin is, we know they are in fact the founders of the Kafshe religion, and despite their ostracisation from the civil world, they hold deep and ancient cultures of art and poetry completely independant of human and elven development, They tend to stick with Kafshe or independent tribes and speak a strange blabbering language often considered gibberish. Most researchers find it difficult to gain the trust of the tribes, and they have been noted as often feral or violent to intruders. Despite all this, they are not complete imbeciles, and simply carry out their lives in a different way than most of the races. The Goblins tend to follow the creed of Kafshe, and they do an outstanding job at keeping up with the “shunning of Civilization” tenet of it. [/hider] [hider=Pale Goblins] (Non-playable without GM Permission) Exactly the same as the regular Goblins, except these strange creatures encountered by the Heroes and Josephine were remarkably pale and even ghostly. Their intention for ambushing the caravan was unknown, and any notes of a pale tribe of goblins seems to be nonexistent in the groups quick search. [/hider] [hider=Ogres] Considered a Kafshe race, as they tend to follow the same creed as the gobins. They are large and stand around ten to twelve feet tall. They often are fat and gluttonous and bear sharp canines and yellowed molars. Their skin is usually pale and thick with pocks and flaws. Their origin legends are as unflattering and unknown as the goblins, and they tend to be much more aggressive and most tribal cultures even show signs of cannibalism. Tribes however, tend to be small and the Ogre seems to prefer isolationism to any form of Socialization, which has led to many legends of Stromist knights freeing abandoned castles of a vagabond Ogre and rescuing the princess. The closer one travels to the western swamps, the more abundant these beasts tend to be. Little more is known about the culture of Ogres, aside from what we know from civilized or tribal Ogres that some northern countries have ample trade with. [/hider] [hider=Giants] (PM before use!) Giants were born from the Arctic Mountains. While most are feral lawless pillagers and isolationists, a few noteworthy nations have sprung up from these beasts of around fifteen feet in height. The civilized behave much like humans and hold near identical physical traits, just increased in size. They tend to never leave the cold North, and tend even less to accumulate in any real society, save for a few exceptions. Many tend to sheep and goats of the mountain and only leave the arctic to pillage and rob settlements or otherwise they remain alone and in quiet peace. They tend to be aggressive and slow philosophically, preferring simpler thoughts and cultures and thus, those religious tend to be Kafshe if religious at all. The Empire as well as many founded nations have in the past dealt heavily with incursions of giants whenever a single aggressive Giant manages to unify a swarm of these independent beings, arming them with simple massive weapons such as the cudgel and hammer, and then invading a northern nation for supremacy. More often than not however, they tend to remain alone, and continue their anti social lives in a simple way. [/hider] [hider=Titanic Giants(Super Giants)] (non playable) Monsters of myth. These are said to dwell in the heart of the near impenetrable Arctic mountains. They are massive and make regular giants look like ants. Little is known about them, and despite their massive size, they are rarely ever recorded in adventurer's journals, perhaps due to the near impossibility of chartering the Arctic mountains or perhaps none survive to tell the tale of the encounter. [hider=Fun Super Giant Pictures] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZnHOn_-SavU/VN3On9dIPcI/AAAAAAAADxA/AXOJ4wCt9mw/s1600/resting_giant_by_merl1ncz-d424veo.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b1/df/19/b1df193dc9790af98910a3dfa6ff6c49.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1c/40/9b/1c409be8c32fc646a12eab4018d68510.jpg[/img] (Here's a question for ya: how the hell did that one giant in the last picture find a tree that big to use as a club) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Orcs] (Player Created) Native to the northwest, these grotesque humans live mostly as slaves to the Shahdom or are found as nomads in the Shahdom’s desert. [/hider] [hider=Pigguts] (PM the GM if you plan on being a Piggut) Pigguts are hardly classified as a sentient species or race, and more appropriately defined as animals or beasts. However, they show signs of simple language, culture, and social structure. A piggut is a hideous being about three feet tall and with the twisted pink face of a pig, pushed and molded to nearly look human. Their bodies are pink and covered in dark bristles and spots. They have cloven hooves for feet and simple hands that bear only two thick fingers and a thumb, adorned with yellowed nails. They have a mouth of sharp teeth and are known for the disregard for decency and appetite that stretches well into the dark caverns of cannibalism. Some prey on small children or lost travelers. Sometimes they attack in groups with crude tools and weapons, other times they ambush completely alone. While speed or strength might not be their notable features, and definitely not brains, they do however boast amazing endurance and disturbing brutality. [/hider] [hider=Kobalds] Kobalds are many things depending on who you ask. To tunneling dwarves they are small blueish skinned imps with bulbous noses and bat wing like ears that ruin their stone walls and raid their storages with kleptomaniac like prowess. To surface dwellers, they are little seen but just as annoyingly innate at taking everything nice looking they see. These tiny piggut sized angular creatures have buggy eyes and large noses and ears, and are claimed to have the ability to smell metals and gems like a bloodhound can rabbits. They are very aware beings, perfectly keen to rob you blind in a fit of greed and hear you coming before you can even see them scamper off in their stolen raggy clothes. They are simple minded and seem to only exist to take things just to hoard them away in crude self dug caverns or natural tunnels for whatever reason. They tend to be relatively harmless despite their thieving ways and keep away from major settlements. However, their excellent and keen senses make them amazing scouts and are often trained by the Imperial Army for such reasons, or even trained by fortune seeking miners to sniff out gold deposits. [/hider] [hider=Lamia] Snake women that need other races to reproduce, considering they can only produce more female snake women. (player created race, only available from Xoskea) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Religion] Nachtism: Nachtism is a widely hated religion that is followed by Nachtists. It directly imposes most elven religions and the wider known Tagslichtism. It follows the sacred worship of the Dark one, the void dweller, the swallower of worlds, the very deity in direct conflict with the graces of Tagslichtism. (Nachtist sympathizers tend to refer to him/her/it as the Dweller, or even sometimes the “Good One”) In the eyes of the Tagslichtist, those who worship the Dark One have shunned justice and humanity along with all that is good in this world, preferring a pact to serve the destroyer of all and the sick spoils that come with such a deal with the devil. Sacrifices of all different magnitudes are common in this religion, and it is forbidden in most settlements, but digs its ravenous teeth into the fringes of civilization. It is as ancient as the throne itself, and was born the very same time Tagslichtism was. Daring Nachtists may even receive powerful double bladed boons from the Dweller itself. [hider=The Gattanian Churches Alternative] [u]The Gattannian Church[/u] The Gattannian church is a branch of Nachtism.Though they believe the term 'Nachtism' has been stained with negativity and so prefer the term "Followers Of The Kind One". The churches belief is that "The Kind One" created the entire world, the seas and the sky's, the land and all its creatures. This "Kind One" speaks directly to the head of the Church (Skyler Helton), guiding and helping the people of Gattannia with knowledge and, if ever it was needed, defence. The way that Nachtism is fuelled is by human sacrifice, this is accomplished in two ways in Gattannia. Publically, the only form of human sacrifice is through the many criminals that are put to death. These are simple public beheadings but the lives are offered to the "Kind One" and satisfies its needs. However, behind closed doors Gattannia hides a dark secret. In order for Skyler Helton (The Head of The Church) to speak with the "Kind One" another blood sacrifice has to be made. The tool to speak with the "Kind One" is known as "The Kind One's Mouth" or simply "The Sphere". This cloudy, foot in diameter, black Sphere requires 5 litres of blood to activate. Once completed, this blood will absorb into the Sphere and "The Kind One" shall speak to whoever is present. Seemingly knowing everything of the mortal realm as well as past it. Due to Gattannian law, magic is a forbidden practice on the island, as such Magicians are not easy to come by and are nearly impossible to find. Despite the legality of it, Skyler Helton is a Nachtist magician herself. Seemingly having a strong connection with "The Kind One", sacrificing her sanity in the process. She has yet to reveal just how powerful she may be, but she has a power that she herself does not know of. A charismatic aura surrounds Skyler, making people more likely to trust her and like her. This was given to her by "The Kind One" to help spread the word of the church, and is one of the reasons the church was easily picked up in Gattannian culture. [/hider] Tagslichtism: Tagslichtism is the primary religion of the elves, and even revered by humans, the followers are known as Tagslichtists. This ancient religion was born in the Imperial forests around the creation of the Throne. It’s heads are the ancient forest dwellers of the Imperial lands, sages of ultimate wisdom and keepers of the most ancient of knowledge. The Religion speaks of a cosmic battle between the Dark One who wishes to consume the world, and the Graces of nature who wish to preserve it. Tagslichtists worship these Graces and try to live by their example of wisdom and compassion. A true Tagslichtist shows mercy and love to all creation, and bravery in the darkest scenarios, the only exception is in dealings with the children of the Dark One and the Nachtists. While the sages of the graces may be hard to find in these down times, traces and whispers of their knowledge are ever present. Some even claim that the sages are blaming the recent turn of events in the imperial province on the dark one directly as well as Nachtists, and even more whisper about an ancient prophesy to finally reveal itself in the coming times. The graces themselves are rumored to dwell deep in the forests, benevolent and ever watching. They speak to the wildlife as their servants and spill divine wisdom to the sages in the form of dreams and visions. Tagslichtists can expect a certain level of divine intervention in rare occasions as well as a special oneness with nature, and the comfort of having the graces watching over them. Stromism: A human born religion. Stromism holds human might and conquest over nature on the pedestal. It was born out of the Imperial Capital itself and features some of the finest soldiers and patriots as it’s followers. The Stromist worships his or hers ancestors and pays tribute to great warriors at home built shrines or great pilgrimages to the sites of great battles and graves. While they butt heads with the teaching of the graces now and again due to their arbitrary view of nature, believing that it is their property and they are expected to thrust their power over it as it’s master, the two religions can coexist. Stromism births the finest soldiers, greatest patriots and loyal armies. A Stromist can expect to be surrounded by like minded warriors, have strong, larger armies, and the feeling of greatness as they rush into battle with their ancestors that they paint so carefully on their shields. Stenmur: A dwarven born religion. It hold heavy reverence for the rocks and ores that build the mountains and the crust of the world, claiming that the true god lives happily in the center of the world, crafting new creations endlessly. A Stenmur worships the Crafter God through crafting his own sundries, and placing reverence in the stones, respecting the elders, and shunning the simple life of the surface. The Crafter God is said to bless those who are hard working and true to their craft. The Stenmur religion is loosely knit and holds no true heads, although master craftsmen tend to be the ones to seek advice from inside the religious body. The hammer is the universal symbol of the religion, and they are generally accepted as the best workers in all of Jerrovia. Stenmurs can expect increased productivity, special industrialized blessings, and a grand feeling of accomplishment. Kafshe: A shamanistic religion born from the Goblins and Ogres. Kafshe has no structure other than self appointed shamans of the deeps. Be it deep woods or deep caves, it is favored by the crazy goblins and the brutish Ogres. Out of all the Religions one might claim it to be the simplest, as it’s entire concept is throwing away civilization and it’s perks and instead dwelling in the primal lust of the animals. Kafshes are animalistic beasts, capable of great physical feats of pure adrenaline, but lack any real decency or shame and tend to be considered low brow to city dwellers. The shamans wield a pretty great amount of raw magic and the loose loyalty of the forest and cave tribes. The doctrine of Kafshe is simple, if you want to do it, do it. Surprisingly enough Kafshes have pretty good relationships with the graces of the Tagshlichtists, perhaps it’s their love of nature and their even more bountiful love of the animals and the pleasure of them. A Kafshe can expect prudish neighbors, but a large magnitude of fun and freedom, doing whatever they will, to hell with consequence. Some Shamans even claim the occasional help of the graces, and other spirits of the primal nature, whether true or not depends on how much you can trust a goblin shaman who accidentally blew himself up in a rage of raw power. As GM I will take on the liberty of RPing as all the aforementioned divine beings when appropriate. [/hider] [hider=Magic] Magic works uniquely in this RP, so forget everything you know about magic right now, and let me fill your head with the way of Brimstone. Firstly, every character has the ability to perform magic feats, it’s just nearly impossible for most, and thus magic is a rarity and there will be no army of mages or great wizard work forces. Magic ability is brought out and determined by the religion of the magic user, as magic is released by the religion (don’t ask me how oocly, it does). So to recap, every character has a well of magic (think soul), but being able to use magic is rare, and the type of magic is determined by the religion. A lot of the mechanisms and rather more philosophical reasons behind the inner workings of magic will be revealed ICly, and are not required to be known oocly to function with magical beings. So I won’t be telling you where the magic comes from, why it works, or what have you. I WILL be telling you who can do what, and what you can do with magic, to ensure everyone has a fun time with this mystical world of fantasy while still finding challenge in plots and survival in such a changing landscape, as well as ease of magical knowledge. However if you find something that is not mentioned in the following text, or have any questions, do not be afraid to ask questions via PM. Magic traits and abilities can be divided into the religions they fall under, Nachtist magic, Tagslicht magic, etc. and therefore are easily recognized by characters. When Josephine was healed and her wounds and flesh woven closed, the characters quickly assumed and called it Stromist magic, due to Stromism being the religion that held a lot of physical and body manipulation magics, while when blood was used in a ritual, most assumed Nachtism for it’s well known devious magic. Below is a detailed listing of each category and what they entail: [hider=Nachtist Magic] What sets Nachtist magic apart from the rest is its flexibility and devious ritual requirements. Most spells or abilities that derive from the magic are usually first obtained through a deal with the Dweller or a sacrificial offering for powers. Unlike most other magics, Nachtist magicians can perform all areas of magic, from physical manipulation such as in Stromism, to primal elemental manifestation seen in Kafshe, with the level of power behind the spell varying with the greatness of the sacrifice or condition met to be granted this magic from the Dweller. A good example of what I mean is the “faustian” deal, meaning before the person who wishes to have the power to do, for example, make themselves eternally beautiful, they first must make a deal with the Dweller to reach a certain goal before the Dweller grants the power to do so. The magical power in question also determines the amount of sacrifice the Dweller requires to grant, which is almost always a blood sacrifice of something dear to the caster. A powerful necromancer must first for example, maybe impale his own children or stab his pregnant wife in the stomach for his power to raise a desired person or people from the grave. Or perhaps ultimate wisdom is granted at the cost of happiness, the list goes on and makes this magic the most devious, but in the end, the most flexible. There are simpler spells that are used by the more trained Nachtist magicians, such as blood spells, where they sacrifice their own blood, damaging themselves for a quick spell, such as a gust of wind to throw back aggressors after a ritual knife through the hand. Out of all the magic, this requires the most ritual, and perhaps the most cost, but also the greatest level of flexibility, and in some cases power. [/hider] [hider=Tagslichtist Magic] Unlike Nachtism, Tagslichtism does not require extraordinary costs or rituals for the trained Tagslicht magician to perform. The magic to the Tagslicht is however much more regulated and limited if not hard to acquire. After many years of study and meditation, and with the help of the Graces, a Tagslicht magician will finally find themselves in control of their well of magic and the ability to cast spells related to their meditations. Such well trained magicians will have the ability to summon the help of beasts, commune with nature, manipulate the surrounding environment with their minds (telekinesis), and some further still are revered rarities with the ability to scry and look upon scenes that their body does not witness. (Think crystal ball). Another noteworthy ability of the Tagslicht is the power to quicken healing, and summon arcane walls and shields to protect the user from harm for a limited time, or even summon arcane glyphs and hexs to protect areas, trap enemies, or fatigue existing magic that is in the way of the magician. Further more the Tagslicht also has the esoteric ability to receive powerful images and visions from the Graces, and even in rare cases, achieve a vague sense of communication with them such as the sacred sages. The Tagslicht however does feel the cost of his or her spells and will slowly (or quickly!) fatigue and exhaust their well of magic, and even force themselves into a faint (or worse) if they do not give themselves ample time to replenish their energy, or attempt a spell too powerful for themselves. [/hider] [hider=Stromist Magic] Stromist magic is by far one of the most abundant magic types, mostly due to the heavy practice it receives in the Imperial Army, under the supervision of the Imperial Marshal of Stromism, head of Imperial Stromism. Stromist soldiers learn to bend their magic wells through hours upon hours of training the mind and body to perfect condition, and channel the new found energy to perform amazing feats of physical power, such as amazing strength, speed and endurance. The path to such herculean power is a precarious one however, and only achieved by the most faithful and purest Stromists. Through dedication to training muscle and mind to work as one, as well as the rebuking of alcohol and distracting intoxications the Stromist soldier learns their craft in perfect discipline. The master Stromist can leap great heights and lift boulders with a single palm, but further more, the Stromist healer can weave flesh back into flawless perfection. Stromists not only make the best physical tower of fight and brawn, but the best healers, rivaled only by Tagslichtists. The Stromist healer can weave flesh and tendon back into it’s original position and can even close life threatening gashes if done quick enough. Although rather shunned by the more orthodox Stromist magicians, the more viceful have also used Stromist magic for “Fleshweaving” a sick magic that is used to configure the ugly into figures of beauty, at the cost of their bodies rejecting the new form over time, and if not tended constantly, the threat of falling apart as cruel unvirtuous creation. [/hider] [hider=Stenmur Magic] Stenmur magic is by far the most different, as it doesn’t focus on the inner well of magic, or the divine well of magic granted by greater beings, but rather the ability to endow crafted objects with the crafters own magic, and granting the object great powers. In simpler words words, Stenmur magicians are enchanters. The greatest Stenmur craftsmen have learned through the patience of Stenmur the crafter god and the through the trial and error of skill and craftsmanship to place their own magic into their creations, enlightening it with a git of their choosing (within their abilities). Swords of flame, shields light as feathers but as strong as stone, candles that never blow out, and many more unique objects; to the master Stenmur Craftsman, the possibilities are endless. With such crafts so rare and such magic so powerful, kings and adventurers seek out the old and often isolated craftsmen who have mastered this delicate art of magic folding and enchanting. Out of all the types of magicians, this might be the most rare, and definitely one of the most respected and revered by all faiths. [/hider] [hider=Kafshe Magic] Out of all the magics, save maybe special occasions of the others, Kafshe masters hold the most direct and raw power. While their magic is not as sleek as the Tagslichtists, as flexible as the Nachtists, as solid and virtuous as the Stromists, or as wise and well crafted as the Stenmur, the Kafshe masters instead know how to rip their wells of magic open and unleash the devastating power of all the elements on their foes. The master Shaman is a force often feared by those who oppose it, as they wield all the elements of nature at their whim, and can explode into flames, twist the roots of trees, summon rocks to fight for them, and even summon storms of wind and lightning in mere moments. These beasts of magic are not common and the more powerful spells are definitely not easy to control, as the ignorant are often caught harming themselves while attempting to wield the stormy power of Kafshe magic. However, should one master the power of the Kafshe, they will most definitely be feared or revered as a shaman fit to take on armies with all the power of nature. [/hider] [hider=Additional notes] I expect the use of magic in an honest and fair way, with no power play. Magic isn’t everything, I don’t expect every character to be glowing with arcane might. If you have an existing artifact in mind you want your nation/character/or Faction to have, PM me about it if you think it might be overly powerful and we can work it out so it can fit into the story. Please PM me any questions, I’m sure I missed some spots in this guide, but probably have answers for questions aroused. I just read St George and the Dragon before writing the half end of this lengthy “to know” so if I’m suddenly talking funny it’s because the diction of olde had rubbed it’s enticing perfume in my minds muse. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Character Creation and CS] Characters work like they do in regular RP’s, and are under your control entirely. However! They are as susceptible to dying as any other and cannot be god modded or plot saved for your convenience, if they are to die, they will die. Upon death you are free to make a new character. People choosing solely this option rather than factions or nations are required to fill out a CS for their character and are limited to only two at a time. I feel as though you are smart enough to know what having a character entails and will leave you with this: Usual rules apply! [hider=Sheet] Name: Age: Race: Occupation/class: Gender: Religious stance: National Ethnicity: Titles(of any): Marital status and Family: Appearance (please either describe in detail or add an [u]appropriate[/u] picture of your choosing): Equipment: Tell me about the personality and Ethics of the Character: Brief History of the Character: Notable Friends and Feats: [/hider] [/hider] Note: this is indeed an NRP, but also a character driven roleplay. Further questions please ask. I realize some things might not be clear. Link to the on going roleplay is in my signature below under part two. I hope to see you there.