((Collab Post between Ciphra, Madly33, and Letter)) As John Keltar and Aydon moved out, one of the guards would lend them a bloodhound, which would, thanks to something of Brandy’s Aydon had, help track the boy even in the Wasteland. This would save up valuable time, allowing the duo to make their way through the streets of the ruined city. Then, suddenly, they would see something, or rather, [i]someone[/i]. It wasn’t Brandy or Slavers, but rather...a woman? One dressed like a hooker, but clearly not with the demeanor of one, at least not at present. She carried a pistol and carbine which was unfamiliar in her grip… John held his dog back and moved Aydon behind his back. “um.. miss?” He said looking over to the woman who was approaching. He looked over his shoulder at Aydon, John could handle himself but Aydon isn't shy of getting himself in danger. While it had taken her quite some time Alayna had finally gotten to the city. It most certainly hadn’t been what she expected after what she had read in books about the place, but because of the war that should’ve been expected. In any event as she was looking around a man seemed to have tried to get her attention which took a couple of seconds to comprehend as she blinked a few times after looking at the man. Then her eyes suddenly lit up as she saw the bloodhound causing her to space about the man again. “Awe you guys have a dog in this place!? I’ve read about them for years!” She quickly jogged a few paces before kneeling down to observe the bloodhound, still completely oblivious to the fact that people probably questioned the way she was dressed, after all, it was normal to her where she came from. John looked around confused as she kneeled down to the dog. “Um, ma’am” Aydon laughed slightly as she treated the dog as though she had never seen one. “What are you doing out here..?” He said cautious, hoping he would like the answer, then he realized maybe she would have see something that could clue them into where Brandy was. “Did you happen to see a young teenage boy out here?” He said quickly cutting into his previous question before she could answer. Alayna might be reminded of her own children, for good or for ill, with the mention of the boy. Nevertheless, she could recall seeing a party of men in leather armor and cloth underneath, manhandling a boy fitting that description with a crude rope leash - they didn’t have a slave collar. She may not have drawn closer because the party outnumbered and outgunned her, and because she was still unfamiliar with her weapons...or she could have had another reason. Blinking a few more times, not really in surprise this time. Alayna stood still looking at the dog. “I saw some guys on my way here from the vault, that could’ve been them, I was kinda far from them to be honest, and I’d hate to give you false hope.” Alayna scratched her cheek a little shyly wishing she had paid a little more attention now. “Is there any way I could get one of those while I’m here though?” Of course she still had no idea what was going on and was still highly fascinated by the dog at this point. John raised his eyebrows “A dog?” He asked. “Most dogs are reserved for the guard, but you can always visit them…?” He said still rather confused at her fascination with the bloodhound. He turned back to Aydon and pushed him forward. “Well we will be off” He said quickly avoiding the woman. He stopped though as he moved to walk away. “May you come along, perhaps you could show us where you saw these people, or point out who you saw. I will pay caps and fresh water for the help” He said through a soft smile, hoping the sudden friendliness would move her to helping them. Was that wise? The thought [i]might[/i] occur. She was an unknown, after all. Nevertheless, more manpower, the better, especially as Alayna might also recall that the party numbered six people… Alayna smiled and nodded. “Sure I can come with!” She really needed the water, and caps couldn’t hurt either from what she could tell from what little she’d seen of the town coming in. Plus it wouldn’t require sex of any kind to get what she needed or wanted so that was a huge plus. “I’m fairly confident I can remember where I saw some guys at too so maybe we’ll get lucky?” She said merrily. Perhaps one day she’d understand the situation. John smiled again “Great” He said as he moved forward pushing Aydon along, he still wouldn’t fully trust this woman; he didn’t know her, where she was from, or what she would do. He kept an eye on her as they walked along. “Need anything?” He asked both Aydon and the woman. “Ah, and I never caught your name.” He asked her. “Oh! I’m Alayna!” She said cheerfully as they began to walk off.