[b][center][h3]Ryan's House-Home 1/6/2015 Monday[/h3][/center][/b] Ryan woke up in the morning with a terrible headache. He took a few pills to dull the pain and considered not going to school. A few minutes later he had his backpack and he was walking to school. He groaned a little as he felt his heavy backpack drag him down. Perhaps he should only bring one book of manga every day instead of ten. He probably should've brought the pills with him. Oh god why didn't he bring the pills with him? Ryan arrived at school and headed straight to class. He pulled out a manga and laughed at its absurdity. This helped distract him from his headache, this was pretty crazy. People summoning their personality to battle demons. And to do so they had to accept their problems. How insane! Ryan could never do something like that. At least the main character was cool. "I can relate to you Door-Kun. You have such a crazy life." The bell rang and Ryan put away the manga. He still needed to catch up on school a little.