[b][Mateiu][A floral shop near the TBC][/b] "Oh come on, pleeeeaaaaasseeee?", A voice cried from the interior of a flower store. The voice was attached to one Mateiu Rivera, a zombie currently on his knees begging profusely for a job, "[i]Look dude i'm sorry, my boss said we didn't have any more job positions, look man, i'm sorry but you're starting to freak people out. You gotta get up.[/i]" the cashier -a young somewhat scraggly looking teen- said as he tried to help Mateiu up and usher him out of the door. Mateiu sighed heavily as he was promptly escorted out, "So much for landing a job fresh off the boat..." the zombie muttered dejectedly as he shuffled down the sidewalk. Despite being told to head straight to the Turnpike cafe when he'd stepped off of the vessel escorting other nonhumans to the island, Mateiu figured he could at least try to score a job on the way there, clearly to no avail as the first place of interested rejected him in less than ten minutes. Head and shoulders slumped, Mateiu shuffled behind the crowd and waited for them to enter, 'Cheer up old boy, this is a fresh start, not everyone gets what they want on the first try. Just gotta stay positive!' he thought in an effort to perk himself up. God as his witness, Mateiu was going to make something of himself on this island even if it killed him...again.