"Well that's just fuggin' great," Thought Dogface, "The first time in forever that the whole queendom -nay, the [i]very world[/i]- has been revelling simultaneously, the one day that the world's most diverse selection of booze is available in one convenient place, and I [i]forgot[/i] where I buried all my fucking money!" He sniffed in the air uselessly, hoping desperately to pick up the metallic smell of gold... Then swiftly realizing he'd only find everyone else's money before he found his. There was clearly only two solutions to this problem, and both of them were immoral. He decided to take the easier route first, aiming to snatch coins from a few of the wealthier, more inebriated festival-goers without them noticing... ~~~ "This is all very nice," Thought Ferris, "The first time in forever that almost the whole queendom is smiling!" He recognized that it was likely due to his life as a service machine that caused him to find joy in other people's happiness, but that statement didn't feel quite right. After all, the other creatures seemed to like it when others were happy... Perhaps it was natural, to enjoy happiness. What a strange, self-replicating, and enduring emotion. He casually waved to new passers by as he clomped heavily through the streets of the market.