Anya hummed as she walked down the street, having just fed from a rather kind 'donor' aka some random guy she charmed into allowing her to feed from she was rather happy. She liked early morning, not a lot of people nor not a lot of people to witness her 'convincing' someone to be her food. Though, she didn't kill them anymore unless they posed a threat to herself, she disliked going to other peoples homes. For all she knew they could be a hunter that weren't aware she was a hunter and try to kill her, which caused all kinds of awkward confusion she didn't really care for. The few people that were out and about trodded by, seemingly not caring that a child was out and about alone. They probably thought she was homeless, which wasn't particularly true. She HAD a small apartment, I mean, child or not one does not simply live for two centuries and not acquire a small fortune. The apartment of course was registered in her Uncles name, which may or may not actually exsist. She continued walking, humming and smiling to herself, when eventually she happened upon a little girl passed out in the snow. Now, had this been the past, she would have drug the child off into an alleyway and drained her, the child never knowing the difference. But, this was the present, and she felt bad for her. From the looks of her she rarely, if ever, ate anything besides a few scraps. She looked more alive than dead, really. Anya sighed, remembering her past and how she was when she was found. Anya picked the kid up, wrapping her in her jacket and walked off back in the direction she had came from: her apartment. It took about an hour, maybe a little over. If anyone asked, she'd say it was her friend and she felt sick so she brought her here. Good enough cover story. Though, anyone awake this early didn't particularly give a damn. Anya entered her apartment, slamming the door behind her. Anya sat the girl down in her bed and tucked her in to make sure she was warm enough. Now for food. What did ten year olds like to eat? Anya had a wide variety of food, still finding herself to like normal human food on top of blood. Soup, maybe? Anya shrugged getting a bowl, a spoon, and a can of noodle-o's. She opened the can and put it in the microwave, while it heated she sat down on the couch next to the kid wondering when if ever she would re-gain conciousness. [@xxrhoo]