[@Bad Weather] Unfortunately, Yandle’s search for a suitable pullable rock was not successful.[b] “Okenhiem is has a very pitiful supply of usable large rocks”[/b] he thought. It was quite surprising, usually finding a rock wasn’t really that difficult. One could just walk for a few minutes and lo and behold there’d be a suitably sized rock, but that wasn’t the case in this place. He decided that it wasn’t really worth spending so much time mulling over something like rocks. Still he was kind of bored, in fact very bored. Usually he would be training or something like that, or even have a job to do. Jobs in Oakenhiem were few, since there were so many adventurers just crammed into the place. As for training, he had already completed an entire morning of it. He knew what happened if he over did it, Yandle had learned this the hard way. As he looked around he spotted a man hunched over near a tree. It was kind of curious, there seemed to be nothing particularly wrong with him. Yet he seemed almost near tears for some reason. Having nothing better to do Yandle decided to go in and help the fellow out. As he walked closer he got a better feel of the man. On the basis of his clothing, he seemed well of, like the city folk that occasionally made their way through the country. He didn’t appear to be a warrior at least, not the physical kind. In fact, the man seemed to be kind of weak, that with the teary expression made seem more like a damsel in distress. Yandle shrugged and called out to the fellow with a wave, [b]“ Hullo friend, why so sad?”[/b] he said. On reaching the individual, he squatted down. [b]“As I was saying, why are you so sad? It’s a good day, and the forest airs fresh!”[/b] he said, trying his best to sound cheery somehow. [b]“Ah yes, My names Yandle… forgot to mention”[/b] he said. [b] “ So tell me a little about yerself, and maybe I can figure outta way to help you”[/b]