As the others asked their questions, Edward nodded in return to the twins, and then moved on to answering them punctually. [quote=@Roundabout] "Plotting against the king is a grievous crime, punishable by death if one's lucky. Just hearing your words puts us all at risk. If what you say is true, however, it would be a risk worthy to take. But I'd hear more details before I offer my sword. For starters, if I were to agree, what then?" [/quote] [quote=@Eodwyn Aether] “I think both you and I and everyone here know the power of Kaaos himself. Even if we were to agree to this little adventure, how the hell do you suppose we get close to him, let alone try to eradicate him? And secondly why us? Why this group? Surely you did not send this invitation of yours to any Tom, Dick and Harry who was against the Kaaos. What makes us so special?” Eodwyn said, never taking his eyes off Edward. Was this truly one of the Dawn Guards? Did he have possession of his blade? Does he know who Eodwyn truly is? [i]All questions that could be answered at a later date.[/i] Eodwyn thought as he awaited a response. [/quote] "To answer the both of you, I have brought this," Edward said, and pulled a scroll from his sleeve. "As you may know, Kaaos has incredible power, almost rivaling a god. He can't be killed by swords or sorcery, as we have learned over time. But then we found something of great interest: It took our scribes weeks, but they managed to translate an old prophecy. It has mention of discord in it, and we believe it was left by powers stronger than even Kaaos. If they have the same kind of magic that the legendary Jani the Wise wielded against the Efreet, it would surely be enough to end the cursed king. This is a copy of the translation." He handed over the scripture, and as the party read the prophecy he answered another question from Khadila. [quote=@BytheSpleen] "Will our goals seek to revert the races' states as before Kaaos had taken our lands, or will we be continuing this...experiment of unity, even after Kaaos's downfall? I ask this only to prepare myself to act in the best interest of either of these goals; what Kaaos has done has given us a common enemy, but...I do fear our success, sometimes..." [/quote] "I am but a servant of the realm, so I can't say for sure. However, I know without a single thought of doubt that letting that vile demon continue his torment over Evania has to end. The land may divide again after his overthrowing, but I believe that we can peace again achieve that age of piece together what we once had and have peace among our respective kin if we just work hard enough." Once the scroll passed through the entire group and returned back to Edward he said: "We have plans for searching areas that-" Then, suddenly a djinn with a white mask entered the room. Her black cloak weaved in the air and revealed her to be quite proportioned as she briskly walked over to Edward without making a single sound. Her voice was beautiful and ethereal, and had an enchanting quality to it; Eodwyn and Indigo in particular had to keep their resolve up to resist the charming effect her voice had. "Sir, a message from the council just arrived. Your presence is requested at the capital." She had a black scroll float to Edward's hands. "It is a matter of utmost urgency." Edward lited one of his eyebrows. "Can't you see I have other things to attend to, Mirage? What could possibly be so important for the council to contact me?" "They are speaking of betrayal, sir. They need all officers immediately headed for Taistolot." The burned man rose up from his seat. "I must be off then. But first, what are your decisions? Would you fight for a better future?"