((Note, whatever you were doing, you can still continue doing it as long as it's marked as a [i]Flashback[/i])) [b][i]Timeskip[/i][/b] Par would sleep for a while, during which presumably, Greg and Astra would meet. Then, he would get up late, eat breakfast, attend to his bodily needs, and then, after saying goodbyes, go to his truck and depart. He wouldn't be seen again for a week. Then, after said week, it happened. On the day that Par would return to the Library, a large grouping of raiders would, after realizing that warding off the Enclave and Vault 81's current attempt to enslave or exterminate them was futile, decide to attack Liberty Island en masse; there were about 80 of them, using canoes, salvaged fishing boats, or the bridge to cross, the more experienced ones giving covering fire. However, they were easy prey for the prepared defensive positions of the inhabitants; not merely that, but further observation would show that this was less an organized assault, and more of an attempted [i]migration[/i] - the Raiders were attacking because they had nothing else! And the worst part is that the Slavers' Guild and Old Man's Corner, angered by John Keltar's 'successful' mission to free the young boy Brandy, had sent a team to help the raiders, "Forty 'Lucky Charms' Small" would be the leader of that team; while the raiding went on, they, a team of ten, would sneak into Liberty Isle; their goal, to kidnap as many people as they could and turn them into slaves. That would be fitting revenge on 'the runaway'. [b][i]Enclave Base One - JFK Airport[/i][/b] Alan's hold on power had been solidified, with the 'New Enclave' managing to reclaim most of Brooklyn. Not merely that, but now that the old rules of the organization had been scrapped, he can do things that would have been anathema had the Chicago Cell still stood; and by that, he meant that he can turn physically appealing Raiders captured into a 'harem' - after sterilizing them, of course; while he wouldn't mind having a Mutie child, his hold on power was still not strong enough for him to openly defy the Enclave teachings, just twist them around. He also gave some of the appealing females to the people of Vault 81 after further sterilizations; best to keep them happy after they had already lost two women already, but not in a way that would contaminate their pure genetic stock. Now, the last thing to be done was to enslave a bunch of doctors operating in Brooklyn's slums; more medical expertise would be required for his growing empire...* [b][i]Sky Citadel - Empire State Building[/i][/b] Jackson E. Shadow would recieve new orders - scout out Colombia University** to see if there was any Advanced Tech left! ((*[@EvilEdd1984], this is for you.)) ((**https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia_university ))