[quote=@TheSage] Finished my app (Finally) [/quote] Accepted, if your app was accepted already, please post it in the Character Sheet section [quote=@OnlyThePie] WIP: Legal Nation Name: The Military Oligarchy of Holy Byelorussia [img]http://i.imgur.com/qlKX1s0.png[/img] What Areas Do You Control (Territories): Belarus(Capital State), Poland(Divided into Warsaw Representative State(includes Kaliningrad) and Poznan Representative State), W. Ukraine (Ukrainian Representative State), W. Russia (Divided into St. Petersburg Representative State and Smolensk Representative State), Baltic States (Divided into Lithuania, Latvian, and Estonian Representative States) Flag or Banner (National and Political): [img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=3&c1=3&c2=6&c3=3&o=3&c4=3&s=0&c5=2[/img] Political Party (What Party leads the Nation): Federal Military Party Type of Government (Easy Pz): Stratocracy (Constitutionally sanctioned military government: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratocracy) Military (How many People and Military and Main Generals):Large, Approx. 2 Million non-wartime troops, with another 2 million in reserve (out of a population of approx. 100 Million). General Tripariate of Aleksi Surgonev, Vladimir Brugonov, and Slawomir Sokoloff. High Commander of all armed forces Boris Stolarz (Info on actual military units might come, I'm not sure yet) Productions (What your nation Produces): Military Equipment, Lumber (Baltic), Coal/Metals (Polish), Oil (Belarus) History of the Nation (Easy Pz): Following the Third World War, General Stolarz led the Belarussian military into neighboring countries weakened by the war. Poland easily knelt under his military force, but brutal fighting continued in Russia for some time. It was not until 2054 that Russia was pacified, and the peace treaty granted Stolarz and Byelorussia the lands they now control. Ukraine attempted a preemptive strike on the Byelorussians while they were engaged in Russia, but General Stolarz was able to quickly respond with occupying troops in Poland to storm Ukraine. The Ukranians quickly surrendered. Lithuania and Latvia subsequently volunteered to be incorporated, and Estonia capitulated only two days after the declaration of war on their nation. Stolarz then set about establishing a government, rapidly forming the governing council of his most trusted and able generals, many of whom he had recruited from the conquered countries. The 9 Oligarchs, including Stolarz, asked the people to put forth volunteers to review a constitution they had drafted. Surprisingly, the people approved the constitution, legally placing Stolarz and his government in control. By 2060, the nation was internationally recognized by all but a few nations, mainly the exiled governments of those it had conquered. Byelorussia has slowly been building its military in preparation for a brewing war with the Finnish Republic and possible revenge attacks from the badly weakened Russians. Main Race (What is your State Race + Racial Demographics): Caucasian. To be more specific, Belarussian (26%), Polish (28%), Estonian(2%), Latvian(2%), Lithuanian(2%), Ukrainian(9%), Russian(31%). Main Religion (What is your State Religion + Religious Demographics): 70% Russian Orthodox Christianity, 26% Protestant Christianity, 3% Catholic Christianity, 1% Other [/quote] Good so far, I'd say expand on the history, then you'll be accepted.