[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Character%20Page%20Gifs/Colt_zpsu0vj8oqh.gif[/img] [h1][color=darkred]Colt Winger[/color][/h1][h2]~Camp Half-Blood~ The Cabins[/h2][/center] Rubbing the back of his now wet head with a towel, he walked toward the front room. After the training grounds he had headed back to the cabin to take a shower so he could go to the party, so he could hopefully catch up with Arianna. He didn't know what it was about the girl, but she had some form of weird spell on him. Some weird, drunken, exciting spell on him. He tossed his towel onto the bed and stared at the shirt and shorts he had laid out. He pulled on [url=http://img.molecule.asia/images/products/small/50007-C5_small.v1421817206.jpg]a pair of Army cargo shorts[/url] and was satisfied with how he looked. Hey if you got it, flaunt it, right? He shoved his shirt back into the closet and ran his fingers through his hair, creating a tousled, wet look. He smirked at himself in a mirror before turning away and heading out the door, rolling his shoulders and popping his back as he did so. He made his way from his cabin, heading toward the Hephaestus cabin, where the smoke and music was coming from. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Arianna up on stage with Kiran. Slipping over to the bar, he reached over and grabbed a bottled beer. He popped the cap off by slamming the edge of the cap down on the edge of the bar. The metal piece flew off, but he didn't bother to pick it up. He took a swig of the bitter drink, keeping his eyes on the beautiful Arianna as he did. She looked so happy up there, a lot happier than she had been in the past. It made him smile just to see her. Taking a deep breath and another swig, he made his way toward the booth. He eyed Kiran as he did before grabbing onto a nearby post and hauling himself up to be even with the girl. "Hey, Princess," Colt purred to Arianna, leaning up against the turntables. "You forgot your pills again?" he asked, jerking his chin toward Kiran. "She normally wouldn't be here if you hadn't." He laughed quietly to himself, running a hand through his hair. Up close, he could examine her beautiful face. He couldn't understand how someone not of Venus or Aphrodite descent could be so beautiful. And how someone so beautiful could be so deadly and exciting. He didn't understand how this girl was able to make him feel like this, but he liked it. And this was the only time he liked it. He had met thousands of girls and none of them had even made him feel the way that Arianna did. Not that he would tell her that...