Bishop was following another lead on a Cultist sacrifice ritual taking place in Chicago(unspecified location) in an unmapped underground location believed to be a tomb and most likely a very frequented place for satanic rituals. His goal was to annihilate every single living(or dead) thing inside the tomb and then collapse it by using explosives. He couldn't risk a member of the Cult getting out of there alive if he chose to detonate the explosives before exterminating the satanists. It was a very big underground tunnel systems originally serving as the final resting place of humans. Now being used for Cultist rituals it was safe to assume that they modified the underground structure and added a couple of secret escape routes in case of anything going wrong. He went inside the tomb using the only passage known to him, gun at the ready and walking as quietly as possible avoiding any bones or broken objects scattered in the ground. Minutes after he entered he heard screams while the whole structure started shaking. Bishop knew that this wasn't the work of an earthquake, well not one caused by nature. The scream echoed throughout the tunnels before abruptly coming to an end, the echoes still keeping it as loud and agonizing as it first was when it started. There was no way for him to pinpoint the source direction of the scream. Quickly improvising,[b] Bishop sent out a stream of electricity spreading across the entire tomb, making contact with any electricity-conducting object and returning the information back to him.[/b] He "saw" all kinds of coins, some relics, until he felt many daggers and knives gathered in a specific area lying on the ground. He started running not caring much about stealth and surprise tactics anymore. When he reached the destination he saw a room painted red and cultist robes and items lying on the ground as if the bodies vanished leaving everything else not a part of them behind. On better observation he saw that the room was covered in blood and not paint, the blood still fresh and dripping from the walls. A set of staircases that lead to an even deeper level were located in the middle of the room, an out-of-this-world voice was coming from their direction. Quickly deciding that the best course of action to take now, was to throw an explosive in the deeper level and immediately [b] use lightning rush to speed through the tunnels[/b] throwing out more explosives at key points of the structure, escaping to the surface level, then detonate the thing in the course of 15 seconds. But before he could finish his thoughts, the demon emerged from the deeper level and pointed his hand, clenched to a fist, towards Bishop. He sensed an uncomfortable gathering inside his body, wasting no time he drew the gun and shot at the demon's hand, [b]the bullet being infused with his lightning magic therefore paralyzing[/b] it in a clenched fist position. Knowing that the paralysis effect would wear off after seconds, Bishop quickly used lightning rush, drew his knife and stabbed it in the demon's left eye [b]releasing a massive electric torrent rushing through the demon's body[/b] and destroying his insides while blasting his head to pieces. The pressure-like feeling that Bishop had felt earlier disappeared. He was too careless letting himself open to an attack that would've been fatal if it was coming from a higher ranking demon. Seeing the shape, well more like what was left, of the cultists he knew what would've happened if the demon opened his fist so he took quick action to prevent that. He couldn't afford to die, not without meeting her again... Amongst all the blood he noticed a folder above the robes of the now-a-stain-in-the-wall cultist. The folder was named "DMC" and after opening it he saw multiple sheets of information portraying people thought to be part of/working with the "Demon Hunters" and all of them were located in Chicago. To his expectations, he wasn't listed in it, this coming from following a simple policy that he himself dictated-"Never leave a witness alive, be it a cultist or passerby while always keeping a low profile." After memorizing all their appearances, abilities and last seen locations, Bishop scorched the folder using lightning, collapsed the tunnels and set off to fulfill his original plan of forming a group of capable demon hunters in response to the upcoming prophecy.