Anya was partly asleep by the time the girl had regained consciousness, and partly simply not paying attention lost in her own thoughts. When the girl coughed she snapped back into reality, jumping slightly. "Ooh, you're awake!" Anya shouted happily. "Well, right now you're in my apartment. Found you half dead in the snow, no one else really cared soo I decided to bring you here." Anya got up headed for the microwave "Oh, and don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. I don't that..anymore unless it's a baddie." she called over her shoulder. Retrieving the bowl of soup from the microwave she walked back over sitting it on the nightstand beside the bed. "Also figured you'd be hungry SOO I heated you a bowl of soup. It's been a long time since I was your age so I wasn't really sure what little kids prefer to eat these days" Anya spoke, shrugging, before resuming her seat on the couch near the bed. To anyone else but Anya what she was saying sounded completely psychotic and would probably get the person committed nigh instantly, but to Anya it was completely normal conversation. I mean, normal so far as her standards go. She thought that maaayybe she should tone down the weird, seeing as the kid seemed to be a normal kid and not a vampire or anything like her, but she didn't. "Don't worry, the soup is perfectly safe to eat, go ahead." Anya said, smiling, one of her fangs showing. "Ohh, right, I almost forgot to tell you my name! I'm Anya, what about you?" This time smiling fully with her fangs showing.