[color=Skyblue][center][i][b][color=skyblue][h2][u]*~*Amaya Yashia*~*[/u] Ice Dragonslayer[/h2][/color][/b][/i][/center] [@Joshua Tamashii] Amaya listened as she laughed slightly aqs it was the truth. when it came to talking to anyone, Jarvis was more avalaiable then Jamie, who was always having to stop what she was doing to assist several people at once. Amaya would lose her mind if she was ever stuck in that position. She quickly bat his hand away when he felt her forehead [color=skyblue] "I'm fine and all I will be doing today is sitting in the stand or roam around this city. Master Jamie doesn't need me to fight. she knows my internal conflict of my slayer side loving the thrill of battle but my other self prefering not to be part of battle... Plus, There are still great enemies of my magic that still hold a grudge I did not cause or choose to bare"[/color] She said blankly as she soon stood up following everyone to the arena as she was definitely acting out of the ordinary but her reasons was her own and she was determine to keep them her own as long as she could stand them.