[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQxmxJkEkXY&list=PL9e0-I9ArbZBh1-mF8Z26PFL3VqU9yz6s&index=6][u]Realm of Heaven[/u][/url] The realm of Heaven, which some may call Valhalla. A realm of pure light. Time flowed so slowly here compared to the rest of the universe that mere mortals last only a fraction of a second. What was this realm really? A series of string theory universes stacked against one another or simply an unknown force in this cosmos? No human would ever really know. And they were not meant to know. For they were graced with ignorant bliss. While those who knew the truth were all the more susceptible to corruption. And that's where demons and vampires comes into it. Those who were not strong enough to handle the truth, found comfort in darkness. A lone Angel sits atop a high spire. Her long wavy locks furrowing in the wind against a blood red sky. There was no sun yet there was a sunset like feel to this sky. Day and night should not exist here and yet somehow the concept of “time” flowing made it easier to hope for a new and brighter tomorrow. Or so Variel thought. She was often seen alone with her own thoughts. She would sing out to the world, hoping that her songs of light would reach the ears of those who need it most. And today was no different. But she felt the encroaching darkness closing in all around her. Tensions were high. Especially between Michael and Raphael. Variel sighed and gazed the orange skyline. “Oh Gabriel...Heaven is such a mess without your presence.” Then she heard her voice being called to. She recognised the voice and stood to her feet, delicately balancing herself on a very narrow perch. Her brilliant wings sprout forth and she stepped off the ledge, letting herself glide down toward the voice she heard. She landed with graceful elegance and stood in front of a male Angel with long black slick hair to his waist, partially tied back. Her friend Azrael. Azrael was Michael's right hand. So it must have been important for him to speak with the Left Hand of Raphael. “Azrael. Does Michael know you are here...?” She could see concern written on his face and the two were apparently ordered to stay away from each other. Azrael spoke with a low pitched voice. “Variel. We need you to go to the realm of mortals. You are our fastest messenger.” Variel blinked at him with widened eyes. “But I have never even been to the Earth.” She felt scared to do this but she knew she had to. Heaven had ordered it. “I have faith in you.” The taller male smiled warmly down at her. Her blue eyes sparkled brightly up at him. She trusted in his judgement and she relented, eventually nodding in acceptance of this task. “I am sending you to learn more about a particular mortal - Roze Singer. Somehow she was resurrected with Dean Winchester, this event was not supposed to happen and it may be the key to this chaos. I need you to investigate this timeline alteration. Good luck Variel.” And with that, she placed her hand to her chest and bowed. Azrael wavered his hand in front of her and she vanished from Heaven. ------ [i]On Earth. Present Day.[/i] A certain car was parked in a motel car park, Roze's car more specifically. As Roze murmoured "This had better be worth my time." a flash of light appears in the back seat of her car. And there Variel sat. A bright blue-eyed Angel with a distinct aura of tranquility about her, with her wings suppressed inside of her physical body, but still wearing her long elegant dress of white. As if she were a Medieval Princess from time of old. She certainly looked out of place. Variel looked around the back of the car. She regarded the young mortal with a kind expression. “Are you Roze?” She simply asked with a pleasant tone as if it were completely normal to just randomly pop into people's cars.