[color=ed1c24][b][h3]Dmitri Pavlovich[/h3][/b][/color] [color=8882be][i]Dmitri loved the cold, it kept most of the innocents off the streets. He sat on the railing of his third story balcony at the family mansion a little outside of down town Chicago. His uncle had a job for him, not unusual but mildly annoying since he'd had to cancel his own meager plans for the day to accommodate his uncle. Still, it was supposed to be a simple run, which probably meant that Dmitri could count on being jumped by someone or something, probably both. He would be driving a family vehicle down to the piers to pick up a new shipment of guns and ammunition for the family. These would be PP-2000s and AKS-74Us to replace the older mostly american guns currently in use. Some of the gun crates would be packed with loaded guns, having been inspected and assembled by his uncle's men in Canada. This was a safety precaution for the men transporting the weapons, in case a rival decided to try and grab the load for themselves. Down at the Docks, Dmitri was tense. Things had gone perfectly so far, that was a bad sign, some thing always went wrong, that's just how life was. As the last crates were loaded, he told the boat and crew to get out and fast, before they got caught up in whatever was about to go down. The didn't need to be told twice. He got into his vehicle, and the motorcade moved out. They were stopped at the gates of the yard. A new inspector was there, and he wanted to know what was in the crates. Dmitri told him he didn't want to see what was in the crates if he had family, hoping to scare the man off, but the inspector refused to back down. Dmitri shrugged, got out, and waved him to the back of his vehicle. He opened the back of his SUV, pulled out a crate, checked the cameras, they were all pointed at the gate and couldn't see his vehicle, the last in the motorcade. The inspector saw, and reached for his side arm, as Dmitri opened the case, pulled out a loaded PP-2000 and pulled the trigger once, sending three rounds into the inspector's chest at point blank range. The inspector dropped, his side arm clattering to the ground, it's safety still on. Dmitri looked at the PP-2000 with and admiration of it's punch, despite it's low recoil and it was quieter than the old Tommy-guns his uncle's men had been using... maybe he'd keep one. He repacked the crate, while two other drivers disposed of the new ex-inspector, and then the motorcade left. Thankfully, that was the only incident the motorcade ran into, still it was one more incident than Dmitri had been told to expect. He'd have a word with his uncle about that later.[/i][/color]