The soup was set gently upon the bedside table, and Elizabeth found herself staring into the bowl hungrily. However, the statement, "I don't do that anymore," in reference to...killing people disturbed her. As the girl continued to speak, the eerie feeling that Elizabeth felt only seemed to grow. There was a bit of confusion running rampant in her mind, especially considering the girl looked no older than maybe fourteen, yet claimed it had been a long time since she was Elizabeth's age. Still, she reached for the soup, feeling her hunger get the best of her. After all, she had just been heading home to gruesomely and probably inefficiently skin and gut a rabbit to turn it into a stew. Her fingers had barely brushed the edge of the porcelain bowl when Anya flashed her a smile, sporting very obvious vampire-esque fangs. Elizabeth gasped, involuntary flailing as a shock reflex, and fell toward the girl off the bed. Immediately, she scrambled to reach beneath the chest portion of her dress and withdraw her golden cross necklace, holding it out in front of her protectively. "Vampire!" she yelled, squeezing her eyes shut. "Get back!"