[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/p5nzrUe.jpg[/img] [hr][i][sub]"i only want to be free."[/sub][/i] [hr][h2]Noah[/h2] [i]Kampó Álmos[/i] ┊ [i]Lazlo Ray[/i] [sup]TWENTY-FIVE. RITUAL MAGIC. SHAMAN.[/sup][/center] [hr] [b]Personality —[/b] [indent]Perpetually seized within a stupor, Noah is a frustrating conversationalist and an even more aggravating associate on first impressions. His constant state of flux probes an inquiry for every event, and a penchant of morbid curiosity that borders a careless, manic man who provides a herbal remedy or concoction for every encounter or situation lain before him. He’d much rather roam about, idly swept up unto whatever trance, betwixt a world of reality and the unseen than endeavor into social intricacies and kinship. Not that he lacks the ability, but that: accompanied by the plethora of voices teeming about in his never-there state of mind, Noah has a difficulty fixating on one objective at a time. His consciousness is addled by entheogens that assist in placating his overly-active connection to existing realms, an attempt to drone out the incoherent dribble conglomerating within his mind. Thus you’re introduced to an eternally “high” man who practices anything and everything to sway the depths of his mind. Terrified of permanent affiliation, he never remains in place for very long, constantly swathed in a obsessive disorder to separate himself from the existing world and the worlds beyond his own reality. He’s a fixating mixture of psycho-dependency and irrational lashes and even more irrational rituals of self and speech. Perhaps described as deluded, subdued, and monotonous, Noah has a surprising and interestingly enough colourful disposition, so long as he is pleasantly induced within whatever natural and ecstatic trance. If deprived from his usual fixtures, Noah descends into a demented state of withdrawal and becomes absorbed and violated by everything within.[/indent] [b]Brief bio —[/b] [indent]There is no family tradition here, nor blood line of great Shamans to even derive from; Noah is the man he is simply because he was born to be so and perhaps one could call it a curse of the circumstances because of that. Born as Lazlo, Noah has always been the queer adolescent within his selected generation. Described as flighty, waif and dirty, he grew up poor and alone; an urchin among urchins as it were, never quite belonging. While woeful to some and bringing sympathy from others, Noah has always been fond of his roots and while they do not define him, they have, however, shaped him and effected him in various circumstances whilst crowning into adult hood. He possessed a unique sense, sort of a naturalist to his profession. At the time though, during the loneliness, it became a cumbersome existence. Hearing voices, witnessing cryptic visions with messages laden within their manic images, and sometimes driven mad by his own connections. Until, by chance, a mentor swept him out from the gutter he slept in with naught by a dismal coat hung over ragged shoulders. Ray, as the man simply went, uttered of a vision that directed him to Noah’s self and thus would he mentor him; teach him and breed him into a healer of smoke and divination. Unfortunately, Noah’s state of mind was already transcending into the state of ritual madness, and Ray’s endeavors to tame the mass of mistakes from time only succeeded in beginning Noah’s psychoactive needs. Nights meant to teach him how to seek out the other realms became educated instruction in how to sort them out, for voices and beings found themselves drawn to the boy in alarming masses that even Ray became intimidated by. Neither benevolent or malevolent, these spirits seemed only to assuage his mental capacity by whispering to him, speaking in tongues that would drive any sane, normal, man into the depths of dementia. Over time, the drugs and the dependencies was enough to quiet their ill-spoken words, only to pelt Noah into a ritual trance that would last for days on end. Ray was determined, still, to cultivate his taken ward into a Shaman or worthy means and healing and sought out the answers within his own hallucinations in near-desperate attempts to find the answer to Noah’s fall from grace. Various stages of psychosis followed suit, numbing Noah within and without until a shell of muttering phrases stood within place. Thought to be driven to complete insanity, it was an amazing feature that his connection was still intact, not dwindling at all despite his splintered spirit. Ray studied the petrified soul within Noah, procuring various remedies of spiritual influence and magic that he had gathered from communing with his usual patrons. It was only, six days later, that Noah shattered the routine, finally emerging from his state of loss with a wealth of knowledge and ritual power gained upon what Ray had to explain as a vision quest. Unlike any other, of course, but identical in circumstances despite the stains left upon Noah’s mind and soul. Ray knew his ward was different, a peculiar breed, but in this he could be tamed and perhaps deluded or among the best healers of all. But, as tragic stories go, Noah’s dependency on various narcotics and entheogens numbs his link to the realms to the point of deluded, water-downed magic prowess. Even with Ray’s endeavors, he only succeeded in teaching and harnessing Noah’s Shaman knowledge and traits with repetitive education. Later learning that Noah’s true talent blossomed during the most awkward and random of times, never quite fixating into perfect unison and practice. Eventually disbanding from Ray’s tutelage, truthfully by just wondering away in a lucid trance, Noah drifted across country, finding occupation in detailing events and visions through his constant state of dreaming-aware. Ray constantly seeks out his student, often sending cryptic message through smoke and song in his visions, but Noah’s wondering only continued on and on, until he found himself within the concrete jungle with a pulsating headache and the dreadful woe of something lurking beyond the usual stupor of his foresight.[/indent]