[center][h2][color=mediumpurple]♫[/color] [u]Friends Pt. 2[/u] [color=firebrick]☠[/color][/h2] "[color=mediumpurple][i]Why are you always unhappy?[/i][/color]" "[color=Firebrick][i]... Stop it.[/i][/color]"[h3]Isabella Pinelli and Bullet[/h3][color=silver][i]Morning - Phoenix Wing hotel lobby[/i][/color] [@Lmpkio] | [@Demous] | [@Burthstone][/center] Isabella gave a friendly smile and wave to Marlene. She would have loved to got to know the young girl a little more, but it seemed she was busy with another boy. Isabella couldn't help but grin at the two of them walking away together, wondering if perhaps there was something sparking between the two? There probably wasn't, but Isabella always liked to think of scenarios like that. Turning her attention back to Samir, she picked up an empty glass from the table and poured some juice for herself. "[color=MediumPurple]Bullet and I already ate so we're ready for the day![/color]" She quickly looked over to Bullet, who seemed to be catching up with Mayt some more. It was unusual for him to hit it off so well with someone he'd just met. Perhaps he felt bad about all the awful things he'd said about him while the two of them were away? In any case, Isabella didn't want to think on it too much. "[color=MediumPurple]We should watch the games together Samir! I'll even treat you to lunch so we can catch up.[/color]" Isabella's proposal was interrupted by Sayuri appearing to take Isabella up on her dance. "[color=MediumPurple]Ahuhuhuhu! I love to see such spirit! There is nothing more exhilarating than a dance with friends![/color]" Isabella had heard of Masahiko before, and she knew of Sayuri briefly. Although they'd never met. "[color=MediumPurple]My name is Isabella Pinelli. Would you care to join Samir and myself for lunch after we watch the first half of today's games?[/color]" Meanwhile, Bullet was bounding up and down with excitement over Mayt's request. "[color=FireBrick]Really? That'd be sick! Isabella wants to stay and watch the games, but I'll help ya![/color]" He gently punched Mayt in the arm, smiling with determination. "[color=FireBrick]You can count on me! Even without Isabella, I'm pretty strong.[/color]" It had been so long since he'd been on a mission with another team mate. Not that he didn't enjoy being with Isabella, but sometimes he just wanted to hang out with the guys. It seemed Isabella was also enjoying spending some time with the ladies. "[color=FireBrick]I'm a requip mage, by the way! All of my weapons were created by Isabella. They're super cool! What kind of magic do you use?[/color]" [center][h2][color=Azure]♚[/color] [u]Tension[/u] [color=Chocolate]☂[/color][/h2] "[color=Chocolate][i]Sometimes I wonder...[/i][/color]" "[color=Azure][i]... About?[/i][/color]"[h3]Axis Jubilee and Vera Arc[/h3][color=silver][i]Morning - Crocus Stadium[/i][/color] | [@Demous] |[/center] The room filled with the council members was not a place Axis Jubilee wanted to remain in forever. His leg bounced up and down while he sat, vibrating uncontrollably as he impatiently awaited for this whole thing to start. Vera Arc, dressed as lovely and professionally as she normally did, sat beside him looking over some forms. Her gaze shifted slightly to Axis, frowning. "[color=chocolate]Sir, please be patient. We will be starting soon.[/color]" She continued scrawling along her papers before loudly pressing her stamp onto the bottom of the page with a loud [i]thud[/i]. The noise rattled against the side of Axis' head. It was something he couldn't stand. "[color=azure]When are you gonna stop being so formal with me, babe?[/color]" Even despite his discomfort, Axis still found times to pester Vera with his flirting. By this point, she had just decided to ignore it. Noticing that she wasn't responding, Axis pouted. "[color=Azure]Geez, you're no fun today. Why don't you,[/color]" Axis giggled, winking at Vera, "[color=Azure]Liven up?[/color]" Vera's pencil snapped in half. Although her face was calm, Axis could feel her rage directed at him with the intensity of a thousand blazing suns. He quickly slid over, stuttering to make an excuse. "[color=Azure]S-sorry! It seemed funny at the time. I guess it was in poor tastes.[/color]" Vera took out another pencil from behind her ear and continued her work. When Masahiko appeared, asking who wanted to go out next, Axis immediately stood up and volunteered before the others. "[color=Azure]Me! I'll go![/color]" Throwing his cape over his shoulders, Axis quickly power walked out of the room without a moment's hesitation. Vera awkwardly sat there. She wasn't a member of the council, so being around the other members without Axis made her quite nervous.