Trinity rounded the corner, mumbling something about fricken cold winter and where it could shove itself when she bumped into something. Or rather, someone as the case was. She heard a fumble and a clatter as the man's belongings fell to the ground. It was then she noticed the man's things. A hat that looked odd, a staff and...a shotgun! She looked up to the man's face to see his reaction to having just dropped a peculiar set of items. "Oh he's kind of cute..." she thought to herself before the man started to scramble and pick them up, making some lame excuse about how it was a prop. It took some recollection on her part, but she had definitely seen that hat before. She debated whether it was on a commercial for some clothing store or not, when it hit her. She knew exactly where that hat came from and it made sense the man would have both a staff and a shotgun. She cocked a hip and gave a wide grin "Oh really? A prop for a play? Interesting. It looks so real!" her voice was laced with sarcasm.