[color=DarkCyan][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Erin%20Marie%20Chase%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsb9nelzvr.gif[/img] [h1]Erin Marie Chase[/h1] [h2]Party At Hephaestus Cabin ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] “Hm… you thought you had the choice of turning down my offer? How adorably naive of you.” Chuckling softly though mostly to herself as she pushed away from the piano only to turn her back to it, she waited for a few moments, her body tensing for just a fraction of a second as she felt his warm and gentle touch upon the small of her back, her feet beginning to move along side of him as she let him lead the way back out of the cabin and over to where what she imagined the majority of the alcohol was waiting for consumption. The smell of it was stronger than usual- the psycho with a straight-jacket had outdone herself this time. She hadn’t seen this much alcohol since the welcome back party for those campers that were only part-timers; the ones who willingly chose to leave for majority of the year before returning back once the school year was over- though there were so many different school dates, most of the time it was too hard to keep track. Slowing down her pace until she had come to a complete stop by his side, she turned her head and allowed her attention to follow the movements of his arms; her dark eyes watching on and unnaturally paying close notice to the instructions that he was giving to her- rule of thirds? Was there even such a thing? Then again, she had never really made any of her own drinks, they were either made for her or she took the ones that looked good enough to drink; but then, there was always a first for everything, especially in this camp, “Rule of thirds, huh? I always just thought there was straight, half, or cocktail. Thirds don’t normally apply with me- nevertheless, this is the first time I’ve had to step foot over by the drinks, so I wouldn’t exactly know the ins and outs of a simple bartender.” Forcing her full attention back down to the table as she watched him slide the now filled cup over so that it was resting in front of her, she relaxed her arms from where they were crossed over her chest before she reached out to pick it up, lifting it up to her lips so that she could take a long sip of the contents; her shoulders seeming to relax even more as she let the gentle burn of the gin fill her throat before settling down and disappearing completely. Maybe this wasn’t such a complete waste of time then… if it meant she was going to be able to get drinks like this, then she had definitely made the right decision when it came to stealing up the drink of an unexpected stranger, “I think I could get used to this- you and the drink both. And besides, making it seems simple enough; I’m sure even that stupid bag of bolts Ky’ vie calls a mutt could make it-...” The sound of Jericho’s familiar voice caused her to narrow her eyes in annoyance at the fact that he was butting into one of many conversations he wasn’t a part of- didn’t he ever get sick of interfering in her life? Turning her body slightly so that she was able to lean back against the table of alcohol, she tore her gaze away from the guy she had been speaking with until it came to a rest upon Jericho’s figure, obvious frustration written across her features as she lifted her cup up to have yet another sip of the liquid held within it; taking her time to savor the flavor before she lowered it back down in front of her stomach, “I don’t try to lose you Jericho; I’m not stupid. Though you should know better than to stalk my whereabouts; or do you, like everyone else in this damn place, have a death wish…” [/color]