[@Leslie Hall] [h2][color=fff200]Samir Saron[/color] & [color=f49ac2]Marlene Evangeline[/color][/h2] [b][i](Earlier...)[/i][/b] "[color=mediumpurple]Bullet and I already ate so we're ready for the day![/color]" "[color=fff200]Ah good![/color]" Samir replies happily, "[color=fff200]I hear day 3 is going to be a good day.[/color]" Marlene would just watch from the sidelines with a smile as she takes another sip of her OJ. "[color=mediumpurple]We should watch the games together Samir! I'll even treat you to lunch so we can catch up.[/color]" [color=fff200]"Oh you really don't have to treat me for lunch! Really you shouldn't. In fact I think I should treat you to some instead."[/color] Samir replies while flicking her hand rapidly. At that time, Sayuri interrupted the two as she greeted Isabella and even offered her to come with she and Samir to the games. "[color=fff200]Oh she's more then welcomed to come![/color]" Samir replies. She then turns to Marlene, "[color=8dc73f]Marlene, would you care to come with us for lunch?[/color]" [@Lunarlors34] [color=f49ac2]"Hm?"[/color] wondered the Crystal Maiden after she waved to Cody as he left, [color=f49ac2]"Oh! Sure I'd love to come!"[/color]