[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/G34eH71.gif[/img] [h1][color=magenta]Emerald Dosen Armsted[/color][/h1][h2]~Camp Half-Blood~ Hephaestus Cabin[/h2][/center] A high pitch bark went up in the air near the party. A small black pup ran through the party, running all around. Dodging through people's legs, under seats, around dancing feet, Aquina ran. Little tongue sticking out, she swirled back around and ran back out, heading into the grassy area. The little pup ran around in a circle, beginning to chase her tail, when two thin arms scoops her up with a flash of bright light. The girl giggled as she held onto her wolf-pup and put her on her shoulder. Sitting slightly like a cat, Aquina perched on her owner's shoulder, looking out over everything. "Now, are you going to stay near me?" Emerald asked the dog. Aquina let out a small yip and Em took her gently from her shoulder and set her back down on the ground. Adjusting her [url=http://cdn12.lbstatic.nu/files/looks/large/2012/12/13/2706891_155902_383466375072566_1536948907_n.jpg?1355381481]outfit[/url] to where nothing was riding up, Emerald proceeded to make her way into the party. She smiled and waved at people she knew with Aquina trotting alongside her. Pointing one of her fingers toward the air, she set off three shots off light, before motioning her hands like she was pulling something apart. The light scattered, creating a firework like affect over the whole area. Aquina barked and ran after the lights, chasing them as a cat would chase a laser pointer light. Once all the lights fell to the floor and disappeared, Aquina came back with her head down, saddened at the lack of anything to play with anymore. "You're such a dork, dog," Em said with a light hearted laugh. Cupping her hands together, she created a solidified ball of light. She held it in one hand before bending down next to Aquina. She rolled the ball across the floor, heading straight for the piano where a small fox perched. Aquina took off like a shot, chasing after the ball. Aquina slid across the floor under the piano but kept going. Em laughed out loud before shaking her head. "That should keep the rascal busy for a little bit." Em began walking around, looking for some of her friends. She smiled and waved at Claire and Roy before moving out into the middle of the dance floor. There was a few people dancing and she began moving her hips along with the music. There was no reason for her not to chill out and relax today. Coming up with an idea, she made her way over to the wall and pressed her hand to it, placing a finger in between the floor and the wall. A light beam shot out from her her hand and maneuvered the way around the dance floor, lighting it up with bursts of light every other second. The lights matched up to the beat of the music and Em smiled, beginning to dance with the beat. Until she heard a crash from the other side of the room...