"If you do that accent again I will vomit, it's terrible." David deadpanned and sighed. "Yeah the place has unusually high amount of deaths. I came here to look into it, also I love the weather, reminds me of London... With less cyclists." He chuckled as he looked over at a cafe. "I'll buy you a coffee, that is what Americans drink right?" He asked before slyly adding. "Or is it Coke I can never remember." With that he ducked into the place taking a seat at one of the tables. David ordered a a cup of Earl Grey tea as he took his seat. "So I know for a fact that the deaths here are rather high, even for an American city. Yet the missing persons case's are high as well, I believe the monsters here are quite active. Perhaps answering to a higher power or simply wanting to cause trouble, if you'd like help I'd be more than willing to assist in whatever your up. After all it seems the Americans do their best when the British watch their arse's. Bloody Yankes."