"It was another hunter, young girl about thirteen in appearance. She's a vampire and I saw her grab another young girl and walk off with her. I was trying to follow to find why she grabbed the girl then ran into you, however if she planning on drinking the girl she wouldn't be carrying her. She might just be a friend or something." David shrugged adding honey, lemon, and milk to his tea. "As for the war, well we couldn't really be bother with a bunch of backwards colonials, we could have won if we really wanted to, see the war of 1812." He said sipping his tea. Finally he sat back and looked out the window. "I knew she was vampire as I asked to a list of the demon hunters in Chicago. She was on it, surprising she's over two-hundred years, looks thirteen and hunts others like herself. Rather a rarity, he said leaning on his staff. "What about you, what kinda of powers do you possess Ms. Trinity?" He smiled looked into her eyes, he gave just a nudge letting her know he could read minds.