[u][h3]Kuhaku Shiro - Mission Control[/h3][/u] Staring at the holographic panels intently, Shiro carefully read through the details for his team's mission. As his eyes panned through the text, it was apparently that the White Tiger Faunus boy seemed...[i]tired[/i]. As evident by the dark circles and bags underneath his eyes, it was clear that he hadn't been sleeping very well recently. Pausing briefly to yawn, Shiro covered his mouth as the corners of his eyes teared up. He wouldn't say, but odd nightmares had been plaguing him. Any small amount of sleep he did get wasn't restful and it was affecting his performance in his classes. He wasn't sure what the cause of the nightmares was, but Shiro didn't seem to think much of it and figured it to be a non-issue. Sniffling as he scratched at his ears, he wasn't familiar with what the 'Siren' Grimm was. Pulling out his Scroll, he decided to look up information on the Grimm to familiarize himself before the start of the mission. [i]"Professor Iderson's in charge of this one, hm?"[/i] His gloved fingers tapped on the Scroll's screen in its tablet form. [i]"Not sure what a 'Siren' is. Maybe I should swap out a class for Grimm Studies or something. Not going to really learn much in Armory now that I think about it."[/i] He paused his search to yawn for a second time. [i]"I wonder if the police department have any Faunus trackers. If I could get a hold of some of the clothing belonging to the people who went missing recently, I may be able to use that to accurately sniff them out. Provided that the scent trails hadn't died out that is."[/i] Bleary-eyed, Shiro lazily skimmed through the details on the aforementioned Grimm. Making a disgusted face at the captured image, Shiro quietly shuddered. [i]"Eugh! Ugly looking thing. Then again, not many Grimm would be considered 'pretty-looking'. Pretty nasty abilities too..."[/i] Making another curious scrunched face, Shiro absently stared at the Scroll's screen. Spacing out and becoming lost within his own thoughts.. [u][h3]Esther Vanhomrigh - An empty classroom[/h3][/u] Leaning against her white-gloved fist, Esther carefully re-read the details of the mission she posted a while back. Ever since she had submitted the mission request to Beacon's board, there was one detail that nagged at the back of her mind. As simple and low-ranked as the mission seemed, two teams was a bit much. It was uncharacteristic of her to be so unsure. The main problem was that she had experience fighting the Grievers and the "Rat-fuck" (*As she called them) creatures of Grimm and knew how troublesome they could be. It was out of that experience that she wanted the best for her students. To shield and protect them from potentially traumatic experiences that could arise from the situation. Being mixed in with those Grimm, she knew what tragedies they were capable of. It didn't help that she read up on the mission details of the former members of what was now team 'CODE'. She knew how badly the outcome affected Oswald and Diamond and a part of her compassionate heart related to their pain. Sighing heavily, Esther decided to make a last minute adjustment and be done with it. Straightening in her seat as it made a creaking noise, Esther typed a quick change to the mission that should update immediately at the M.C. Omitting Team JNPR, she listed herself as a last resort emergency backup instead. If her students weren't aware of her background and power, she'd make it known and clear then. After editing the mission information, she pounded out a swift message notification to the assigned Hunter team. [quote]To: Cobalt Chideta, Oswald Connoly, Diamond Frost, Emerald Felicia [Team CODEX] From: Esther Vanhomrigh [Practice Class/Teacher's Aide] Subject: Mission Briefing [Griever Hunt - C Rank] Body: "Muster outside at the Beacon Commons area before 0800 for your mission brief. At that time have all necessary armor, weapons, and equipment. They will be present for my inspection and will be prepared by SNH [Said Named Hunters/Huntresses] beforehand. Team Leader Cobalt Chideta will be held accountable to ensure all team members arrive in a timely manner. If SNH are tardy and ill-prepared, Team Codex will automatically fail their assigned mission and receive an unsatisfactory demerit. Disciplinary actions will include but are not limited to mission reassignment to a more responsible Hunter team and extracurricular activities such as janitorial duties. Do not be late." - E. S.[/quote] Collapsing her Scroll and locking it, Esther stood from her chair and grabbed her cover. Sliding her chair back into place and pocketing her Scroll, she seated her cover on her head as she walked out of her unoccupied classroom. Determined to be waiting at the Commons Area long before Team CODE would arrive, she decided to test them to see if they could at least adhere to simple instructions. If they couldn't, she fully intended on punishing them. It would be better to have them safe here at Beacon cleaning bathrooms than to have them out in the field ill-equipped. Out there, a mistake would get you killed. As a responsible future teacher at Beacon, that was her worst nightmare. To have a young Hunter or Huntress die as a result of her not being hard enough on her pupils. Brim of her cover low on her brow to shade her eyes, one could see a hard and stony expression that failed to betray any sort of human emotion such as compassion and love. When in reality, the opposite was true. Heels of her boots clacking with a resounding echo, she projected her bellowing voice down the hall to clear her path to the Commons. [b]"MOVE!"[/b] With that command, a clear line was made for her by the shuffling masses. As her body moved, it was painfully obvious that she was a woman on a mission.