Yasmine's head buzzed as she tried to process the newly arrived woman and her rapidly fired questions. There was something...[i]off[/i] about the woman, Scorn. Something dangerous. But she didn't show any intent to kill Yasmine, so that was good. "Er...Yasmine. I'm Yasmine," she greete uneasily. She hesitantly reached out to shake the other's hand, wary of the blood. "I suppose we should stay together. If the people out there are as kind as your little," she gave the corpses a disturbed glance, "er, 'friends', then it's best to have a little company." She was wary of Scorn, no doubt. But she felt drawn to the woman, perhaps by the same reason she was wary of her. Was this why the cat had led them together? Yasmine tensed. Oh Gods. The cat! "So you're after my cat too, right?" She glanced behind in the direction her former companion had scampered off in. "Guess that gives us a common goal." The feline could've be anywhere by now. Maybe getting into trouble or even running into the middle of some tense confrontation. Her anxiety flared and she began to head forward. "Let's go find us that cat." [@Argetlam350]