[center][img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/11300d9edbe3aab0b54a03e4c0503c37/tumblr_mkmz9zr2Lm1qhpoofo1_500.gif[/img][color=FCB514][h2]~ Hephaestus Cabin ~ Lang Monyethabeng ~[/h2][/COLOR][/center] Lang found his eyes dragging around the dance floor, examining the surrounding area returning stolen glances and examining the dance floor. He glanced over at the piano longingly, the music made him want to play, for whatever reason. He glanced towards the open door, only to notice flashing lights from inside. [color=FCB514] “That’s new.”[/color] Lang said picking himself up from leaning on the table and looked over back at Erin. She mentioned that she wasn’t sure about the rule of thirds when preparing drinks, a common mistake. Bar’s commonly gave you less charging more, using but a taste of the third element. Hence the slice of lime on the edge of the glass. He chuckled to himself as he noticed someone approaching from behind who greeted Erin in a tone that implied mocking. He mentioned tracking, implying some amount of skill in hunting. He greeted Lang and was greeted all the same. [color=FCB514] “How are you?”[/color] Lang said greeting Jericho shaking his hand with a wide grin. He noticed that Jericho was a lean, but fairly well built man. He didn’t see a lazy Saturday that was for sure. His silver-white hair shown in the sunset, perhaps he was Erin’s lover, Lang certainly couldn’t be sure. His ears perked up, he heard the sound of out of key piano notes immediately preceding a loud crash. He glanced over at the inside of the cabin. [i] “Lang you idiot, Zuko is on the piano.”[/i] He thought before glancing back towards Jericho and Erin. [color=FCB514] “I’ll go check on that, another time.”[/color] He said with his signature grin. He sauntered somewhat hurriedly past the two, leaving them to their devices. He followed the lights in the room, somehow leading him exactly where he wanted to be. He found Zuko and a small wolf pup entangled, having knocked over one of the many chip bowls. He took a moment to take in the absurdity of the situation, those idiots. But they were his idiots, so he scooped them up in his arms making sure to give them a comfortable grip. [color=FCB514] “Zuko, where the hell are your manners? We’re guests here.”[/color] Lang said giving Zuko a rough pet, messing up his fur and eliciting a short quip from the fox. Lang’s attention quickly shifted to the wolf pup which he let gnaw on his hand as he pet it behind its right ear for a few brief moments. He playfully pet the wolf for a few seconds laughing as it played with him. But he realized the mess the two had made and sighed giving them a sympathetic look. [color=FCB514] “Alright, you guys wait with me, I’m going clean up your mess.”[/color] Lang said roughing up their fur once more before sweeping up the chips on the floor with his hands, attempting to make short work of the mess.