[center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9vasqeUEG1qagu6wo1_250.gif[/img] [color=f7941d][h1]Adam Collins[/h1] [h2]Hephaestus Cabin[/h2][/color] [/center] Adam was walking along the beach, bare feet slipping into the cool soft sand. His shoes were in his left hand, dangling by their strings. It was calming listening to the ocean, despite it being nearly his opposite. Hephaestus and Poseidon, Fire and water. Not the best combos, but after a long day in the forge he liked to calm down with a walk. Besides it had been on his way. He had been dropping off some gear that he finished earlier that day. Today had been mostly swords, but in his free time he got to work on his own projects. As neared his cabin again, Adam returned his shoes to his feet after quickly brushing off the sand. In the distance music could be heard playing. Slowly looking around, he realized that it was coming from his cabin. A party? Was he told about this? Maybe Ky'vie had told him and he had forgotten, he had been very into his work. Shrugging at the thought, he continued down his path till he was at the party. Teens were running around, dancing and singing. The effects of alcohol was evident. Looking around, he clearly saw a table filled with liquor. He had no responsibilities for the rest of the night, might as well try to loosen up a little bit. Gods knew he could use something to help push the words out his mouth. Reaching into a bucket of ice, Adam pulled out a cold beer. He wasn't too picky about the variety. Stepping back away from the table, he popped the top off with a rough finger. Quietly standing, he sipped his beer, people watching. Some girl pressed her hand against the wall causing lights to shine out to the beat of the music. That was definitely an interesting power. Continuing to look around, Adam realized he was looking for Ky'vie. She was probably here, but with all the people it was hard to pick out anyone he knew. A sudden loud crash drew his attention away from his search. Slowly he set his beer down, preparing to help if he could, only to realize a couple of pets had spilled a bowl of chips.