[@Caits] [color=00aeef][b] FERRIS[/b][/color] Okay, he'll talk to Jess when he's no longer flustered. Surely they didn't go that far last night..did they? What in the world happened last night that brought them to bed? Maybe she remembers what happened? Ferris took a deep breath and then felt Jess' lips pressed against cheek. If his face was red before then it surely was now. He watched her run off dumbstruck with his palm resting against the cheek she kissed. She was definitely messing with him. Why wouldn't she? This was too much of a good opportunity to drive him up a wall. He sighed, taking this in stride and followed after her to their booth. Sheldon certainly wasn't exactly the brightest bulb if he thought that Jessie wouldn't place traps on her equipment. He rolled his eyes and sat down next to Jess and made sure that his microphone was still working. [color=00aeef]"I would hope that this would be a good note for the council to start on! While guilds are the face of the magic world, the council are the all important balance to make sure that none go haywire. We can expect great things from them."[/color] Ferris smiled at her and with Digital Make Magic he wrote, [i]Expect a little bit of pay back for that kiss earlier[/i], and winked at her.