[h1]5,000th IC post!!! *throws confetti* [color=silver] Ferrin Astra [/color][/h1] Ferrin sat up to a crosslegged position. He put his fist in his palm in an 'ah-hah' gesture. [color=silver]"I remember now. Sorry,"[/color] He said, cheerfully. [color=silver]"I have a terrible memory for names and faces, nothing against you personally."[/color] He sighed. [color=silver]"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I have been told it is unhealthy to hold grudges, so lets call pax, okay?"[/color] Ferrin extended his metal Gauntlet toward Time Lord to shake hands. [color=silver]"Although, do you mind if I call you 'Tim'? "'Time Lord' just sounds too...ostentatious."[/color] [@Caits]