[b][u]Robert Fallson - The Dorms[/u][/b] The four days prior to today's mission had kept Robert fairly busy, what with fighting not one but two underwater Grimm, a fellow student whose main form of attack was blasting people with water, and finding that one mysterious kid with that loud semblance. It wasn't until he had gotten back from his "retrieve Sapphire's daggers at all cost" mission that he finally got a moment to rest and let his mind wander that day. The sight of his old teammates belongings still scattered around his dorm helped the red haired boy direct where it was that his mind wandered. Ever since that day, Robert had been sneaking off in the middle of the night to get some time away from his team. He didn't want them to see him as wallowed in misery thinking about Greyson, Daniel, and especially Priscilla. Robert was no longer in a state of denial. He knew they were gone forever. The team leader couldn't let his new team see him like this though, it'd affect morale. So when he was finally done, he'd go back to his dorm to rest, making it appear as if nothing had happened. Waking slowly, Robert looked at the nearby clock for the day's date. [b]"Oh boy. Do you guys know what today is? It's time for missions! The best part of Beacon!"[/b] he shouted sarcastically. Robert hadn't forgotten the ass-whooping he had received last time. [b]"I just hope we're not fighting the White Fang like we did last time... Oh wait. None of you have done a mission have you? Oh you're going to absolutely love it,"[/b] he said, the last sentence dripping with lethal amounts of sarcasm. [b]"Come on. Let's go see what it is that will be giving us scars, both physically and mentally."[/b]