"And I'm....." [i][b]A..Bi.[/b][/i].... [i]A, Beh? A bes? A ben, A What, what is it? Abel? Abel.[/i] "Abel... I'm.. I'm Abel." Abel stood up and looked at the now healthy flower. It seemed highly familiar, that flower, that power, where is it from? [i][b]From deep in your past, remember young Judge.[/b][/i] Then it hit him, a wave of memories of a man in all black, a man who had treated him as his own son. A man who had died and been reborn countless of times. A man who had led the universe in it's true nature. This man was his king, his lord, his leader, ... his father. [i]This is Osiris, It must be.[/i] "Sir.... Lord Osiris... Do you remember me? You must be My Lord Osiris if you can fuel life through death. But do you know who I am? Besides Abel... Who I truly am?" Abel walked up to the man and knelled beside him in a bow. He then looked up to him and awaited an answer, hoping that Osiris could tell Abel his real name. Hoping that Osiris would remember anything about Abel's past. "Do you remember anything about me?"