Heather had went about setting up a sort of meat wall in the beginning of the game with a couple big hunky guys, that she could duck behind when the balls came towards her. Though it was not only causing her team to get more people out, but it was starting to break down, as one after another they would be forced out. Logan and Clary were both in front of her and that made it a little more easy for her to bring up the rear. Logan got Billie out, and honestly Heather wasn't paying attention at first. Throwing a ball towards the other team leader, her eyes caught what was happening on the bench and she completely missed the fact that her ball was caught, only realizing when Long said she was out, and she saw Cole holding her ball calling Billie back in. She let out an annoyed grumple as she walked off the court and towards the benches. She looked down at Adrian on the floor frowning because he was in her way, before simply stepping over him to get to the bench behind him and next to one of the witches that her happened to be friends with. "Better move, love. Before someone just steps on your head." Heather said with sigh before taking her seat as Jackie once again got out. "Come on Bitchpire damn!" She yelled out, making Jackie hiss and flip her off. -- Logan glanced over at Clary when she yelled out at him, he hadn't been happy with her picks for their team, namely Jackie and Adrian. Jackie because she sucked at dodgeball or really anything that had to do with throwing, running, being a team player, or basically anything that she wasnt getting attention for. Adrian was what had pissed him off and caused the dirty look that she had gotten, he didn't want to have to worry about Clary being around him, hell Logan had wanted him on the other team so he could pelt him. Still it helped that he realized it had been so Billie could punish him, and though he still wasn't the happiest about the picks. He looked over at Clary and smirked before seeing Billie smiling and shaking hernhead. If the two groups weren't in bad terms or the other weren't around them, he would make a smartass comment about how easily he could get her out. After Billie was out he set his sighs to getting out a few more of the demons, which wasn't to hard to do. He was going to go after Alex next, those fire balls were hell, but it seemed like he wasn't the best at actually defending himself. Though it seemed he backed up so that Jordyn who seemed almost at good at this game as Billie, so that she could protect him. Which might have been a smart move but wouldn't go unnoticed by the other vampires either. Normally the vampires were at least civil enough not to go after the demon's girlfriends or boyfriends if they dated another race, kind of an unspoken code. Though with the way the game was going and the tension that was raising, it was hard to tell what the others would do. Billie was brought back in quicker then he expected, and it missed his focus up a little, his attention being split between her and the others. He might have been fast but she hit hard. He caught a ball and called Heather back in, as she got back in the game, Billie hit a ball through Clary. Well now he was fucked. Logan frowned throwing a fast ball at Alex, hoping to catch him off guard while he was looking at Jordyn, what he didn't expect was her to catch it. Long blow the whistle calling Logan out, and he stood there for a minute completely shocked before going to sit on the benches and next to Jackie. -- Jordyn was actually enjoying herself, and didn't think anything about Billie getting out, not having realized that Alex had even asked his sister to protect her as well. She was able to defend herself however, she was a defensive player, it was just start to stay back from the front lines. It made it harder for the other team to get you but if you watched the front line closely, you could know when to move or get ready to catch a ball. Her eyes flickered to Alex as he backed up towards her, a small smile on her lips. It spread a bit wider as he talked, because she couldn't help but find it amusing that went to her instead of the other demons in the front when Billie was out. "That's cause you're tall." She said with a slight giggle smiling at him watching him dodge one of the balls. She watched as he lit the ball he held on fire and throw it, watch it make the people on the other side scatter before looked back at him. "It's okay I'm a defensive player, I got you." She said throwing her ball at Jackie getting her out as Billie was brought back in. She half expected Alex to leave her side and go team up with Billie and Cole, but instead he stayed beside her and asked her to help get the other vampire that helped put Billie out. As she turned her head to answer him, she saw a flash of red rubber out of the corner of her eye and out of instinct she opened her hand and blow fairy dust a little ways in front of where Alex stood. When Logan's ball hit the dust it changed directions and went towards her as she opened her hands. It hurt her hands and wrist when she caught Logan's fast ball, but her first instinct was to protect Alex from getting hit. She handed the ball still slightly hot from the speed to Alex shaking her hands as Long called Logan out. After a moment she called her sister Tiffany back in. Across the court Devin frowned watching Jordyn hand the ball to Alex, he hadn't been sure at first on if the skinny little redhead fae was with the demons or just on their team at first. But the way that Alex stood so close to her protecting her and the fact she gave him Logan's it was clear that they were together. Normally he wouldn't care as much but the asshole had been trying to get him out the whole game, and despite the no girlfriends or boyfriends rule Logan held so tightly. After Alex threw the next ball at him and Devin dodged it he launched his ball at the little redhead. The other vampire's ball hit Jordyn in her lower stomach with a harder force then the others had been thrown, and because she was using her wings and her feet weren't on the ground when it hit, it sent her flying back a little ways. She barely had time to pull in her wings to keep them from breaking before she hit the ground, her head and back landing hard enough to make her dizzy and knock the air at of her. Her arm going to her stomach as she land there for a second gasping for the air she had lost. Professor Long blew the whistle stopping the game and going to help Jordyn up, Amber and Tiffany helped to pick her up on one side as she finally started to catch her breathe. She looked around to see everyone looking at her. Jordyn's eyes narrowed at the vampire, who was laughing, though it was quiet it was still see able. "Jordyn? Are you alright?" Amber asked. Logan and Jackie were both standing, angry looks on their faces as well as the other vampires that were out, but it was to make sure the redhead was okay. The vampires on the other team had moved away from Devin. Logan ruled over the vampires in the same way as Alex did with Billie, Jackie might have been the main person in charge, but Devin had broken one of the rules in front of everyone. Jordyn looked at Amber frowning. "No, I'm not alright! My stomach hurts and that fucking blood sucking parasite got me out of the game. Stupid." She snapped at her jerking her arm away from Amber, Tiffany, and Long before calming down a little and looking back at Amber. "I'm sorry, I'm fine." She corrected before going to take a step and feeling her head pound and dizzy, she leaned a little on Alex before looking at him and muttering she was fine again before going tho the benches.