[color=007236][b]IC: Emerald Felicia - Dorms -[/b][/color] [color=007236]"Guys are you ready!? Because I've been ready to go for an hour!"[/color] Emerald exclaimed quite early in the morning, uncharacteristically alert and hyperactive for how early it was, she normally wasn't much of a morning person. Nevertheless she went to bed earlier than usual Thursday night, and woken up before the rest of her team. To say she'd been anticipating her first mission was an understatement, she'd gone to bed with her heart thumping in her chest, and when she woke up it had been beating even [i]faster[/i]. She was ready to kick ass and shoot some Grimm! She'd showered, gotten dressed, eaten, and grabbed her gear in less than an hour, that had to be a record breaker for her. The last four days had been a bit of a blur for her, nothing of note had really happened between then and now, save for the agonizing wait for Friday. But now that wait was over! Emerald looked her outfit over, making sure everything was put on correctly and that her shoes were properly tied and that her shotguns were filled to the brim with ammo and properly cleaned and functional. Of course she'd checked this last night, and a few times this morning already. But it never hurt to check for the fifth time! Emerald looked back at her team, by now they were all either ready, or just about. She couldn't wait in the dorm any longer, so she opened the door. [color=007236]"I'm gonna start heading towards the mission brief!"[/color] With those parting words she clipped her weapons onto her arms and headed out the door, moving at a brisk pace toward the Commons. [color=007236][i]I wonder how many Grimm we're gonna kill...well that's a silly question, all of them![/i][/color] She giggled to herself as she dodged random students rushing through the hallways. The atmosphere of the school felt very tense, she could almost sense the anxiety from the other students, it was very stimulating! Before she even realised it she was at the designated meeting place set by Esther Vanhomrigh. And speaking of Ms. Vanhomrigh, there she was, waiting for them! Emerald had never personally met Esther, but Emerald wasn't one to be shy! [color=007236]"Good morning!"[/color] Emerald waved with one of her arms, shotgun and all.