[b][i]- 4 nights ago -[/i][/b] Everyone was already asleep by the time Diamond made her way back to the dorm, or so it seemed with three bodies lying still in their beds. This day was at the top of her shit list - first her feelings can’t make up their bloody mind and then all of that swimming bullshit, coupled with a… Promise? Order? [i]Threat?[/i] from Cobalt that she would have to deal with it. The thug had half a mind to just cut the day’s field out of a calendar and declare it never happened. A monument to her skills, she managed to navigate the hallways without getting busted somehow, despite taking the usual way instead of the window. She wobbled into the room, silently closing the door behind her. Pointing a finger at her sleeping teammates, she grunted: “You’re all drunk!” She dumped her coat, blouse and pants on the floor next to her bed in an unorderly heap and fell on top of the sheets. Her upset stomach refused to allow her to fall asleep though. Wincing, she opened her eyes and her gaze fell on Emmy’s face. A silly smile plastered itself on her face as she got out of the bed. Or tried to at least. Instead she fell, lucky not to break a wrist. Crawling over to the cat faunus’ bed, she looked at her sleeping form. “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!” she said, her pitch way too high for comfort. At this point, her brain was incapable of much logic thought, let alone thinking of the consequences of her actions. After dealing with her past feelings for Amy, all that was left was the fuzzy eared reason she started having doubts in the first place. There was no sense lying to herself - Emerald was too cute to slip under her radar. That alone felt like good enough reason to her inebriated brain to be head over heels in a drunken love. So it decided to tell her so.. Mesmerized by the cat ears, her arm went up to them, only lightly tapping the tip of Emmy’s right ear with the tip of her finger: “Touch!” she giggled stupidly, “You’re so…. cuuuudly you know? I could ju-just… hug you andnotletgo. EVER! *hic* And dem eeeeeeeyes! So prettyyyy! You’re the… bestest. I luw you~! But… Don’t tell Emmy yet! I… can’t handle a ‘no’ right now.” she blurted her unsteady confession. Her stomach gave her an awful reminder that it wasn’t at all agreeing to her drinking as much as she did, and she fell back on her butt, needing to support herself with the arms not to hit her head on the bed behind her. “I’m nawt… feelin’ so well… Been drinking to… to... forget. Who I was. Don’t wanna remember. Diamond’s been a baaaad girl! I… Stole a truck full of dust form Schnee girl… Lived out of that for two years… was great!” her mind started recounting her criminal resume, and she started counting her disagreements with law on her fingers, “Tunneled into a… Mason… Mansiosh.. a biiiig house to steal the biggest gemstone you ever seen, broke into a gallery and stole this.. this… piece of coloring book. And, you know, a house here and… there… and there… and there… Because those jewels were really niiiiice! Must have!” More hiccups. “It was pocket change for those folks anyway! And I gave to orphanages!” she whisper-shouted pointing her hand upwards in a lecturing gesture. “But then that… evil cop… They put me in jail!” she whined. “Jail… terribad! There were those two guys.. made me drink something and then… nononono, forget, must forget! Yesh, forget. Didn’t happen. Don’t ask Diamond about it. She’d get angsty and sad. Or her Ex. Don’t ask about her. All in the past. Live in the now.” She sighed. “And then… f*n swimming.” she made a disgusted grimace, “I’m moar cat than you in hating water. Don’t wanna… already almost drowned once… Trust Diamond and stay on land kitten.” the drunk said with a lecturing gaze pointed to the sleeping faunus. Clutching her stomach, she looked up, her eyes seemingly full of clarity all of a sudden: “Imma need a bucket!” she said and hastily wobble-sprinted to the bathroom, feeling the booze about to go back up the way it came in. Deeming the bed way too far, Diamond settled down on the floor as she were. It was cold and that felt really great. [b][i]- Present time -[/i][/b] It was friday again. Diamond was frankly quite amazed nobody booted her out of the school yet. Although, this particular person that sent them a message right now seemed like they would very much enjoy doing so if they could for whatever the reason. Speaking of those, the thought of reassignment got her thinking. All it would take is something small like stealing Cobalt’s boots or something similar to render him inoperable and out of her hair. Shooting a sideways glance at their ‘leader’, she couldn’t recall him ever doing anything that would convince her to trust him in that role. If she was asked, his actions in that blasted grimm studies class only confirmed her worries, as the first thing Cobalt did when she notified him of her problem was to fall in line with what someone else was proposing, and then just giving her a "You heard the man. Stay at the edge of the pool and provide ranged support. Later." That wasn’t how a teammate behaved, let alone one supposed to be in charge. [i]Leaders can’t be followers.[/i] she recalled someone’s quote, but wasn’t sure of the author. Oh well. All the more relief that their current mission seemed to be one of the easier ones. “I’m going to grab some stuff at requisitions office. Should I fetch you peeps anything?” she called out, looking at the clock. Plenty of time to go have a smoke before they had to be there. Good.