[color=ed1c24][b][h3]Dmitri Pavlovich[/h3][/b][/color] [color=f7941d][i]I pull into the mansion's garage, and help unload the crates, one of which accidentally ends up in the back of my wagon under a tarp. My uncle comes down and notes the missing crate, I note the extra hassle and his prior insistence that the hassle had been dealt with. I wasn't keen on going to jail anytime soon, if he wanted a hit done, he had men for that and I wasn't one of them. My Uncle had the grace to let it go, though he wasn't thrilled with the idea. See if I cared, I'd finished the job, and was free to go about my business, for now. I'd hoped to catch up with a fellow hunter, so I could start working on a new angle to deal with some of the pressure the Russian mob, or more accurately it's clients were facing. My best bet seemed to be the Vampire girl, she'd have the experience to hunt these things into oblivion, I hoped. It kept pulling infernal minions from the depths of hell, small ones, but more than enough to completely demolish local law enforcement, both cops and mafia hit-men were getting knocked out by these things. It was the biggest threat to the Russian mob in Chicago, if it left, I left, and I didn't want to leave. I knew to many people who would just end up as food, slaves, or worse. I drive away from the mansion in my wagon, glancing in my rear-view mirror as I pull out of the mansions' gates. Great, I had a tail... Much as I would love to just blow them all to hell, it would cause more issues than it would solve. I pull into the morning traffic, and head downtown, ignoring my tail. It would probably just switch off once I got into town anyway. I drive carefully into Chicago, finding a place to legally park for a few hours. Turning off my lights, I lay the seat back and turn so I can reach the tarp and the crate beneath it. I pull out the PP-2000 I'd used earlier, I take the time to refill the mag, and collect two more, for a total of 133 rounds (3 mags of 44, plus one in the chamber). I slide it into a shoulder rig, thankful for it's compact design, and then grab a heavy coat that falls to my knees, to pull on over it all. Stepping out of the car, I reset my seat and look around the parking garage, my tail hadn't noticed that I was parked yet, good. I lock the car, checking that the crate was hidden under the tarp before I closed the door and started for the stairs. Folding the overcoat's collar up against the wind, I pull a black skull cap down over my head, to protect my ears from the cold. It might also keep the other mobster's from recognizing me as a Russian, the blood thirsty fools. Walking up the stairs in the garage, I check the slip of paper that had the address I needed, scribbled on it. Nodding as I repeated the address to myself, I stuffed the note, and my hands, into my pockets, as I stepped out onto the street, and turned to walk briskly down the street, crossing it at the first opportunity. Pedestrian and vehicle traffic was just below rush hour levels, so when the goons appeared in front of the garage, I was no where to be seen. I still took precautions to check my tail, and be sure that I was clear. Only then did I approach the address I was looking for. It was an apartment complex. I let myself in, and found the right door. I knocked loudly, three times, hoping that the occupant, supposedly a vampire huntress, was both at home and awake.[/i][/color] [@Shikaru]