[@Nightraider] Edit: I've revised James' background and nationality and clarified the reason behind his powers. [hider=Discount Wolverine] [b]Name:[/b] James William Hamilton [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Wild Card status:[/b] Ace [b]Power gain:[/b] He was infected by Typhoid Croyd and was one of the very few new Aces. [b]Aliases:[/b] The Wolfman / The Werewolf [b]Appearance:[/b] James stands at about six feet two, or about 185 centimeters. He's a muscular man, and has much more hair than a normal person. His hair is raven black, but when he starts to turn into a werewolf, it becomes more and more grey. His eyes while being a human look like a wolf's eyes. His face has sharp features and his teeth and nails grow faster and harder. [b]Abilities:[/b] James is able to transform himself into a wolf-like man or a werewolf at will. In his "wolfman" form James is stronger, faster and reacts more quickly than an Olympic-level multi-athlete and has keener senses. He is able of speaking with canines. He also ages slightly slower than an average person. He is hairier than an average person and his eyes also appear wolf-like. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] While James is in the wolf-like form, he is more resistant to typical weapons, but silver causes severe pain and might kill him in large doses. Transformation from wolf back to human form leaves him exhausted and sometimes creates gaps in his memory. Full moon might cause him queer habits (while being a human), like howling, consuming raw meat and other wolf-like habits. [b]Public presence:[/b] Secret [b]Personality:[/b] Before drawing the Wild Card, James was a relaxed young man who ofttimes spent his days studying or with his friends. He was socially confident, sometimes making small jokes or pranks, and enjoyed parties. He gave a picture of a smart and politically correct youngster who was thought to be the perfect son-in-law. After the draw, he became more cynical and brooding, slightly less outgoing and more reserved than before, but still sporting a sense of honor, justice and chivalry. He enjoys spy thrillers and horror books, especially those with werewolves and vampires. Three of his favorite books are Ivanhoe, From Russia with Love and Dracula. [b]History:[/b] As a child, James lived in England where his family had a large estate in East Anglia. He was born in during the midsummer of 1966 to Martha and Thomas Hamilton, a pair from two upper middle-class families. James lived at the family estates for the first five years of his life, but then the family had to sell their Victorian house and estates, as they had to pay their debts and loans. His father Thomas was an financial expert and a long-time investor, but the financing company he managed had to file for bankruptcy after a short sale went sour. His mother Martha came from a long line of entrepreneurs and restaurant-owners. The family moved to New York City when James was only five to start a new life. Thomas Hamilton started to make money as a stock broker. Martha started to work as an entrepeneur and founded a successful restaurant that served Mediterranean food. Gaining a few millions, the Hamiltons have afforded to give their only son a good education in an university. James enrolled to Columbia University at the age of nineteen in 1985. James read political science and literature at the university, aiming to become a politician. In the May of 1987, James's life changed altogether. All of a sudden, the city was quarantined and the Typhoid Croyd's virus started to kill hundreds of people. James' parents died, and James himself was infected, gaining the ability to transform into a werewolf. Doctor Tachyon helped him to recover and to control his powers. Tachyon thought that the horror fiction James has read affected his powers and their manifestation. James then vowed to find Croyd with his newly-given powers and inherited wealth to avenge his parents' death while studying in the university. [b]Relationships:[/b] His parents died in the Typhoid Croyd outbreak. James has a lot of friends in the University circles and some contacts with the financial circles. [b]Base of operations:[/b] A spacious apartment in Manhattan, New York [b]Reasons to play this character?:[/b] Well, I like superheroes, and I've always wanted to create one by myself. The Wolfman is quite similar to the Batman in certain aspects (dead parents, inherited wealth and a sense of justice just to say some similarities), but I hope the character will stand on his own. [/hider]