[center][img]http://www.nazilligergitavan.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/NGT_-64.jpg[/img] [h2][u]The Story So Far...[/u][/h2][/center] [i]Laredo, Texas, 1868. The (American) Civil War has ended! The Union is triumphant and the Confederacy is broken, a new order is rising in Washington and in the East order is being re-established. With Col. Santos Benavides and his Laredo Confederates repulsing the federalists at Zacate Creek in the battle of Laredo, the only battle that would take place there, life in the border town returned to normal. As pioneers and settlers now began to move out into the West in ever greater numbers, taking their possessions and their families with them, others heading south toward Mexico to escape from former prejudices and misguided loyalties, the world is becoming an ever smaller place; on the plains the nomadic horse-warriors of the native tribes try to appease the whites – but know that, eventually, this will not do. In the southern lands, full of ranches – horses and cattle just there for the taking! - raids by the Comanche, Apache and others increase, the Civil War having sapped most of the military presence from locations considered unimportant. While Laredo had often been considered as such, it is also an important border epicentre for the mingling of cultures, trade and a place of relative lawlessness. Blacks, whites and the red man all mingle in the streets, the existence of 'the law' there being malleable at best and non-existent at the worst, its obvious proximity to the agreed border with Mexico making it an ideal location for outlaws, raiders and former Confederate soldiers wishing to escape their loss. If one wished to form a group here - a group of rogues, misfits and persons of an unpalatable nature – then they need only ride or walk into town.[/i] [center][h2][u]Welcome to the Old West[/u][/h2][/center] Welcome, one and all, to this pretty simple but hopefully enjoyable Old Western RP! This is for those that enjoy Westerns – film, stage, book and television – whether it be the Spaghetti Westerns starring Clint Eastwood, or the classics such as [i]Tombstone[/i], [i]Wyatt Earp[/i], [i]Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid[/i] and [b]many[/b] others. If you fancy raiding some ranches, forming a posse, fighting some outlaws (or the law!) in what I hope will be a continuing adventure(s) then come on in! Feel free to ask any questions, and please fill out the sheet below. [indent] [b]You have until SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH to PM me your sheet, then we'll get this show on the road.[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Obvious, if a Native American then feel free to have your own name and an English translation. [b]Alias:[/b] Their alias or aliases, if they have any. [b]Age:[/b] Obvious. [b]Gender:[/b] Obvious - if your character is female, and not one of the 'traditional' female roles, understand that you'll need to explain it. [b]Origin:[/b] From where do they hail, of what ethnic make-up are they, do they belong to any particular tribal group or organisation (U.S. Army etc)? [b]Current Occupation:[/b] If any! [b]Appearance:[/b] A [i]written[/i] description of your character's appearance. No pictures. Please include here any [b]weapons[/b] they may have, and any [b]clothing[/b] as well. [b]Personality:[/b] What kind of person is your character, what are their motivations etc, and how do they interact with others? [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] What skills/abilities does your character possess? Have they gained any over their lifetime? Are they particularly good at a certain thing or things? [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet. [b]History/Bio:[/b] A sketch of your character's life and history, preferably until their arrival in Laredo. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least, please. [b]Secrets:[/b] Anything you want on your sheet that other characters are deliberately unlikely to know? Any dark moments from your past best kept in shadow? [b]Relations:[/b] Are there any other player characters you know? If so what is the connection?[/indent] [h3]If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.[/h3]