[Center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Emily%20Geralds&name=SomeWeatz_with_symbols.ttf&size=100&style_color=E01D5E[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5zbfypbX01ror6v2.gif[/img] [/Center] [i]27th August 2015[/i] [color=gray]As Emily was snacking on her cheese and onion flavored crisps; she glanced at her phone seeing the text from Echo. Her smile was bright, as she was excited to see her friend once again. She heard a familiar voice near her-glancing to her side she saw Hestia had joined Aella. Emily gave Hestia a soft smile and a wave from her spot; but didn't want to interrupt her and Aella. Brushing a hand through her some lose brown locks, she pushed a few lose strands away from her eyes. Hearing someone behind her, made Emily jump but it wasn't young before the young half blood giggled. "Echo!" her arms flew around her best friend's neck, capturing her in a tight hug giving her a squeeze. Emily was beyond excited and happy to be back with one of her best friends. She was beaming brightly, her eyes sparkling as she looked at her friend. "I missed you. How was your summer? Anything new with you?" Emily practically bombarded Echo with questions, from her excitement-The typical Emily and Echo moment. It happened every year. Embracing Echo once again, Emily gave her an extra squeeze. As the young Witches spoke, catching up after the long summer apart. Emily thought she heard a little meow and glanced to the side where she saw Agatha perched up on the chair. Her expression lit up once more. Where there was Agatha...Cassandre was not far behind. Glancing over her shoulder; she saw Cassandre rushing over to her and Echo. Embracing her other best friend, and member of the choir trio. " Cass!" she let out a happy squeal. "Hey, you." she smiled whilst giving her a soft squeeze. "When did you get the nose and lip piercing done? It looks good on you." Emily commented as she had noticed her friend had new piercing's done. It actually suited her well, despite the fact it may have been painful and that Emily was not really a big fan piercing of the tongue, nose as it didn't suit some people in her opinion. But for Cassandre, it seemed to express her image and that 'Rock/Punk Diva' that her best friend was. As Emily pulled back slightly, to converse with both of the girls she couldn't help but notice that Cassandre's eyes looked bit red. Like she had been crying and she sighed softly. "Is it your mum again?" she questioned softly, she squeezed her arm softly. Even though her friend was late, she could guess why. Cassandre's mother, had a reputation for making her daughter late, every single year. This year was no different and Emily felt sorry for Cass. "I am sorry." Emily told Cass softly, as she wrapped her arms around her in another hug. "You finally made it. That's all that matters. I am sure we'll have a great year ahead of us." Emily commented, smiling as she tried to make Cassandre feel a bit better. [/color]