[h1]Shadow of the Skyline[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nmjJNsZ.jpg[/img] Vale City was raised out of the Atlantic Ocean by the United States. The entire region is a man made island. Larger than New York, encircled with farmland on three sides, and the fourth dedicated to a massive port and deep-sea oil refinery, Vale City was the pinnacle of human life in the USA. But deep in the caves by the refinery, a blackened burnt vase was found, sealed shut with the pressure of the ages. Brought to the surface, it took months to open without damaging the pot. A maelstrom blasted forth upon its opening, flattening the museum. Aside from this, it appeared that it was just a pot. Wisps of energy had been released from the vase, granting superhuman abilities to those they came across. But these were not the people of comics and movies. The wisps sought the dark, the evil, the violent and psychotic, the foul and cruel, and most of all, the criminal. As various criminals gained abilities across the city, a hideous underworld sprung into being. The empowered became Ganglords and Crimebosses, leading their respective thugs. 2/3 of the Vale City police force was bought up or intimidated into being nearly worthless. There were a few lost wisps, that gave good people abilities. But these were a shadow of the power of the vile. The city fell into darkness. But the city was not dead, simply plagued by evil. Even supercriminals need the functions of regular society. Only two things can kill a city: War, or Constriction by Control. And one of the two is needed to cleanse vale city. What about you? Are you an aspiring kingpin? Or a hero, hoping to save his city? How will you live in the Shadow of the Skyline? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspired by the Netflix's [i]Daredevil[/i], and FOX's[i] Gotham[/i], Shadow of the Skyline aspires to let writers bring out their dark side. You can certainly be a goodhearted hero, but sometimes, it's good to be bad. Rules of Note: 1. Follow all RP Guild forum rules 2. There will be violence, but try to keep the vivid gore descriptions down or absent 3. Please behave yourselves, respect each other, and try to keep arguments to PM 4. Remember, you can generally get away with breaking the law, but massive violations will still get you taken down. This means don't bomb city hall and then claim the action publicly. Character Application(DO NOT post to CC until accepted): [hider=Char. App] Name: Age: Alignment/Position(Good/Evil, Gang-Member, Crimelord, etc.): Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code): Height: Weight: Appearance(Pictures not required, but appreciated): General Apparel: Lifestyle Notes (Marriage, Children, Pets etc.): Location (The City is home to 5 districts, choose one: Political/Financial, Port, Commercial, Residential, or Industrial district; describe which parts of the district your gang controls, or where your hero lives): Afflictions: Likes: Dislikes: Fears: Superhuman Ability and Description: History(At least a paragraph, preferably more): Follower/Gang Information(If Crimelord): [/hider] Here's the map, I will place the location of gangs as they are accepted: [hider=Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xBLMBoO.png[/img] Cyan = The Conduit and The Wires (OnlyThePie) Orange/Red = Viole and The Knives (Kharons Progeny) Pale Green = Lance Vitanza and the Vitanza Family (bluetommy) Pale Pink = Scarlett James (FantasyChic) Gold = Samuel Parks (Hekazu) Tan = Aleksandr Kain (Athinar) Deep Green = Adam and The Rotten (The Narrator) Dark Red = Lucia Malena Scordia (dreamingflowers) Dotted Pale Red (Range of action) = Cole Erickson (Wade Wilson) Purple = Prophet (Thaddeus Dron) [/hider]