[B]Trad Oak – Dorms[/b] [hr] As the sun peaked in waking up the RDGT members, Trad heard their “ecstatic” leader speak. It was mission day. This chance had already passed Trad by once and there was no way he would miss it again. Unlike with BAST however, Trad really didn’t have any idea how this team would do together. Sure in terms of combat he knew their choice of weapons and brand of combat, but that’s about all he knew of them. They all kept distance from one another for whatever reason. Even their leader seemed to disappearing some nights only to come back acting like he never left. Now they were about to go out doing who knows what for however long with no way of avoiding each other. If the team was going to clash in anyway it would be done out there, the worst possible time. On the flip side, they could find out they’re all really the best of friends and this mission would simply be the perfect ice breaker. Maybe then they could also discuss what to do with the mess left behind by the former members. (He wasn’t exactly fond of finding peoples unmentionables in places he’d rather not know how they ended up.) Pushing himself to get out of bed Trad let out a yawn large enough to be mistaken as a battle cry, then calm responded to the their leader. “We should probably get some food before hand. Best not decide on an empty stomach. “ Glancing at the clock the current time sent a sudden reminder of his weekly meet up, “Crap, I’ll have to meet up with you guys later. Promised a friend we'd meet up before each mission.” Opening his scroll he sent a quick message to Diamond. [quote] To: Diamond Frost From: Trad Oak Subject: Smoke date “Hey, sorry I’m running a little late. Give me a few minutes to get ready and I'll meet you in the gardens.” [@Forsythe] [/quote]