[@Tracyarmav][@xxrhoo]"Oooh, that explains a lot then!"Anya shouted, smiling. "We're on the same team then!" /Finally/ the cross was gone. She thought to herself. "Sorry for sc-" Anya started, then there was loud knocking on the door. She looked over to the kid, "...No. I'm not." Her tone sudddenly changing from that of a child to very serious. She drew a dagger from her chest holster and held it behind her back, no one ever visited her aside from the man asking for the rent, and he didn't knock that way. Something was wrong, did the head of a coven she killed find her? A hoard of demons maybe? Anya simply stared at the door for a few minutes, she really didn't want to have to move..she sighed. She'd deal with them just like she dealt with everything else that decided to mess eith her. Slowly she walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a tall man in a big coat. "My Uncle isn't here right now, it's just me and a friend. You can leave a message if you want?" Anya spoke, feigning innocence. "I could..make you a cup of coffee while you write it or..." The one bad thing when she was scared, she got serious, and when she got serious she sounded nothing like a kid her age. She cursed inwardly. "I-I think you should leave, actually." Anya spoke, nodding. "I just remrmbered my Uncle doesn't like me talking to strangers, so if you could please..?" Anya looked up at him, mustering the cutest kid expression she could make, hoping her charm ability would kick in. She didn't know who this man was or why he was here, but it was very possible he was after the kid, and he didn't look like her father either.