Durin had trailed behind the rest of the group as they traveled up to the mountain cave. Somebody needed to keep the rear and make sure some wild beast couldn't get the jump on everyone, but nothing really happened. It didn't seem like the other group caught up after running off into a fight half-cocked. Perhaps they got themselves killed. A shame, but it happens. Speaking of running off half-cocked, half the remaining group ran off to fight a demon or something on the side of the road. If the circumstances were anything to go by, there really wasn't time to just get distracted and try to kill any random thing you come across on the side of the road. They seemed to have it handled though, so he kept moving. This whole time, the elf healer stayed rather close by. Several times he tried talking her into going ahead to stay with the rest of the group, but each time she insisted that as a healer it would be irresponsible to leave a patient she was supposed to be watching alone in the wild, even if he was trying to keep watch alone. After the swordsman and witch, Durin and the elf were the first subgroup to arrive at the mountain base. They quickly got the idea and stealthily caught up with the other two. [@IcePezz] [@RokkuHoshi] [@Belwicket] [@Lucius Cypher] [@KazeXDZ] [@boomlover]