Anthony turned on the sink and began washing off his dagger, wiping the huge amount of blood off of it. The last job he did had ended quite violently. While Anthony himself wasn't dead the job had been messy and made Anthony wish that he was in a group again. There were two vampires that were making quite the stir in this city and after tracking them for about a week the hunter finally made a move and ended them. A sound from the front door made Anthony perk up. He quickly grabbed his dagger that was on the counter and faced the door. There was no one there. Anthony calmed down slightly but then noticed the letter that had been slid underneath. Not taking chances Anthony grabbed his pistol and carefully checked outside the door. Again, no one. Whoever the messenger was had already left. Breathing slowly, the hunter closed the door and set his weapons back on the counter, then grabbed the letter on the ground. After reading the letter, Anthony wasn't exactly sure of what to do. Burning it and never thinking about it again would probably be the best idea, but he reconsidered. Whoever sent this letter had a purpose behind sending it. If they knew Anthony as well as they claimed then they would probably think that he figured it was a trap. Of course, it probably was a trap, Anthony figured he had made that many enemies in his short four years of service. After about a day of thinking, Anthony decided to check out the meeting place from afar and wait for others to arrive. It would most likely be the best decision to deduce whether this was a trap or not. Anthony packed up all of his things from his motel room and headed outside. Like usual, Anthony didn't have many things in the first place and his backpack and rifle case could contain all of it. Arriving at his Suzuki V-Strom Motorcycle he put on his backpack and attached the rifle case on the side. The hunter then put on his helmet and got on his motorcycle, started it up and began driving towards the meeting area.