Name: Shadow Heart Mark:[img] [/img] Orientation (Good, dark): Dark Guild Leader: Georgie Jamster Guild Motto: "Everyone has shadows in their hearts, just some more than others. Ours you ask? We just have fun, and if our hearts are taken by shadows because of it so be it." Member count: Unknown (In short lazy XD) Guild History: Founded 30 years ago by Georgie Jamster purely for fun. Shadow Heart is one of the most infamous dark guilds running around and is known for its ruthlessness, bloodlust and crazy individual wizards who range from an youthful murderous girl, to even a serial killer pacifist. To join the guild you must treasure fun above all and be willing to do whatever it takes to have fun, as long as it doesn't impede on the other guild members fun, and this 'fun' can range from playing card games to murdering a while village. Whatever floats your boat. [hider=Georgie] Name: Georgie 'The Darkness' Jamster Age: 47 (Looks can be deceiving XD) Birthday: 31/1 Magic: -Darkness Magic: She can control/manipulate darkness how she pleases, molding it into shapes, using it to defend or even using it as a hammock, she can do it all just about it. The colour of her darkness magic is a light scarlet colour. (I may have taken it from the wiki, but it will slightly different to everyone else who uses it) -'Demon Keys': Similar to Celestial keys, pretty much the same thing, but as the name suggests they summon demons from the keys instead: Gate of Lucifer: Summons a fallen angel with pitch-black wings and demonic horns. Lucifer controls light and is said to be stronger than most S-Class wizards. [img][/img] Gate of Leviathan: Summons a hydra made of black, solid looking water. Levithan has similar powers to that of Juvia in that it can manipulate water and it's body is made of water along with an ability to absorb water based attacks to regain strength. Leviathan is said to be stronger than most A-Rank wizards and is capable of breathing fire. [hider=Hydra Form] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Human form] [img][/img] [/hider] Gate of Beelzebub: Summons a half-fly, half-human abomination that can create a horde of flies to envelop his enemies and drain them of their strength. He is rumoured to be stronger than Leviathan but weaker than Lucifer. [hider=Normal Form] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Human form] [img][/img] [/hider] Gate of Belial: Summons a man in a neat and tidy black suit with a matching tie. He has the power to manipulate livings things perceptions such as smell, taste, sight, hearing, touch and in some cases even memories. He is the most powerful of the Demons and is said to be able to manipulate light, darkness and even absorb people's souls. Summoning him takes a great strain on Georgie, as such Georgie never summons him unless the situation is quite dire. He also has a tendency to ignore the orders of his master and do whatever he feels. [img][/img] -Teleportation Magic Magic Level: Master History: She was born in a simple village to some simple country folk. She lived happily with her parents till she was about 8 when she awakened her magical potential by mistake when she tried to save her father from a wolf attacking him, slicing the wolf in half with darkness. Having awakened her magic from an early age, everyone around her including her parents begun to shun and ignore her. This treatment continued until she 15 when she was fed up with it and slaughtered everyone in the village, simply because she was sick of how they treated her and if they were going to treat her as a monster she might as well become one. She originally founded the guild 30 years ago one day simply because she was bored and thought that she might as well gather wizards of similar views to herself so that neither they nor her should have to go through the loneliness of what she did. Over time the guild became quite large and infamous as most members aren't necessarily 'evil' but more like they liked to have fun at others expense and view the world as their own personal playground; a view which she gave them and is a prerequisite for joining the guild. She was the one who personally lead the attack on Maxie's village and Cody's home. Also it would seem that her magic gives her a forever youthful appearance due to her messing around, but even she knows she won't live forever. Personality: Crazy through and through, she has a high tendency for violent acts and has a thirst for blood so if you ever fight her you had better mean to kill her because that's exactly what she will be trying to do to you. Despite this she has shown a soft side to her fellow guildmates and generally lets them get away with almost anything as long as it doesn't indirectly harm herself, the guild or their fellow guildmates (e.g. no killing them, but starting a fight with anyone guild is a.o.k :P). She also collects Grimoires for seemingly no reason. She also acts quite childish despite her blood thirst tendencies, generally found giggling at even the simplest of things and finds joy in getting piggy-back rides from other guild-members or playing with her fellow guild-members. She also isn't afraid to use her appearance to her advantage, toying with the hearts of her enemies. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart (Master), guild mark is a red one with blue stripes through it and it is located on her back Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Deceiving looks 2. High intellect 3. Quick on her feet Three Weaknesses: 1. Gets bored quickly 2. Is very 'childish' 3. Has shown a weakness to holy or light based magics Greatest Love: Fun, never-ending fun. Motivation: To create a world which she finds fun Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: She loves sweet foods and can generally be found having some form of chocolate or other sweet on her person [url][/url] [url][/url] [/hider] [hider=Maxie] Name: Maxie 'Mental' Firestorm Age: 20 Birthday: 11/09 Magic: Elemental Magic (Basically he can use fireballs, wind attack, throw water at you and cover you in dirt XD) -Earthen Dome: A dome made of solid earth surrounds the target, trapping it. It can also be used as defense against attacks, but has been shown to be incredibly brittle from the outside compared to the inside. -Pit Trap: As the name suggests he can leave a hole in the ground, the larger the hole the more magic it takes. Also can be used to avoid attacks. -Wind Wall: Name pretty much explains itself, he creates a wall of wind as a shield. Can also be used with any other element, not just wind. -Wind Vortex: Creates a vortex of wind that blows projectile attacks off their trajectory and can be used to deal damage back by either flinging the attack back or by hitting them with the supercharged winds -Tornado: Name speaks for itself. Can also come in the form of Fire Tornado, Water Tornado and Sand Tornado. -Elemental Sphere: The user creates spheres made of differing elements imbued with magical power and 'throws' them -Golem: Creates a golem made of different elements, e.g. Fire Golem creates fire golems. They can be used to attack, and are easier to make if that element is nearby otherwise the user must use their own magic more. -Elemental Magic Secret Arts: Element Destruction: As the name suggests, it breaks down the elements and virtually destroys them. Can be used to destroy anything non-organic. -Blizzard: Name speaks for itself, but the user creates a blizzard to attack his enemies -Pillar: Creates a pillar of elements and slams it into his opponents Take Over Mythical Beast Soul: -Phoenix: Fire engulfs the user's body as feather-like patterns emerges all over his skin and he grows talon-like nails. Wings made of pure fire erupt from his back and he gains the regenerative powers of a phoenix. Of course the regeneration powers drain his magical power. Also becomes immune to fire based attacks. -Minotaur: The user becomes a minotaur with the perks of super-strength, durability and the ability to use any two handed weapon, but they also become slower and easier to dodge. -Dragon: The user's skin gets scale patterns all over it and they grow a large, scaly tail along with scaly wings. They gain the ability to eat a corresponding element (in Maxie's case he can eat all the elements) but this form requires a lot of magical power and he loses the ability to transform for 24 hours, along with that he can only use Dragon Slayer magic in this form. Other certain requirements must be met as well for him to use this form; all in all it is his trump card which he must use wisely. -Angel: He gains a light-embedded toga and wings made of bright light and also gains the ability to blind his foes, create shields and becomes immune to holy or light based magic but weaker to dark based magic Also has other minor magics like sleep magic and , but uses these to a lesser degree. Magic Level: S History: Maxie doesn't have any early child-hood memories, his oldest memories being when he had joined Shadow Heart after Georgie found him and took him in at the age of 10 and has been at the guild since, becoming the most powerful member besides Georgie herself. He is one of the most wanted wizards in Fiore and even other countries, as he has done many acts of evil ranging from simple pillage and murder, to full-scale massacres of opposing forces. (What I am about to say he doesn't know though) He grew up in a small village on the outskirts of Fiore, having an ordinary childhood and he lived happily with his parents and sister till his magic awakened when he was 10 and it gained the attention of Shadow Heart. Shadow Heart raided the village, slaughtering everyone who they deemed to be a pest and burned the place to the ground. They later found Maxie in the burning rubble with his sister and wiped their memories of what happened previously from their minds before taking them in. When his magic awakened it also turned his hair white for some reason. Personality: Maxie has an overbearing personality, generally quite arrogant and quick to insult others. As such he has very little friends even amongst his fellow guild-mates. In battle he has a calm head and can generally break down fight situations with ease to come up with strategies to defeat his opponents. He also likes to be a move or two ahead of his opponents. But he has shown to break down if his plans fail or something stuffs them up, generally resulting in him snapping angrily at that person. If you hadn't already guessed, he views himself quite highly. He is also highly protective of his sister and she tends to be the only one he is nice/kind to. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, a black guild mark located on his right shoulder. Team Members: Jane Firestorm Three Strengths: 1. Combat Sense 2. Stubborn 3. Loyalty Three Weaknesses: 1. Weak Teamwork 2. Short temper 3. Clingy Greatest Love: Protecting his sister Motivation: To become the strongest wizard in the world Appearance: (A picture works, use the image function) [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Jane] Name: Jane 'Hacker' Firestorm Age: 18 Birthday: 23/05 Magic: Requip Magic: her requip magic involves the usage of weaponry and armour to gain the edge in battle and is known simply as 'Hacker' -Twin Katana's of light: As the name suggests they are a pair of twin katana's embedded with the power of light. They deal holy damage. -Armour of Shadows: A dark suit of full-body armour that has the guild mark boldly emblazed on it in bright white (to contrast with the armour). This armour is quite tough to break through but as a side-effect is quite slowly moving. -Twin shields of darkness, Nepher and Zepher: A pair of heavy twin shields which when together make an impenetrable shield. Of course the enemy can attack around, and the shields are hard to maneuver. -Darkus: A plain black samurai sword with the ability to control darkness and shadows -Pyros: A 1.5 Metre long scythe that can cut through anything and can manipulate fire and lava. It can be dodged. -Haos: A normal looking white battle axe that controls light, artificial or not. -Ventus: A green bow that never misses and can shoot wind arrows at opponents. It can be blocked however -SubTerra: A normal brown metal battle hammer, which can make Earthquakes and its controller can control earth. -Fangat: A plain european knight's sword with a gem where to focus mental energy into whatever form Jane wants. E.g.-laser, fire, rock, etc., and shoot it out of it. -Aqueous: A plain European knight sword with a ruby hilt and a sapphire middle. It’s also got a leather handle for comfort. To manipulate water and to manipulate any and all liquids. The user can also transform into a liquid. -Genha: It is an ordinary bow, until you notice the fact it can never run out of arrows. -Ring of Invisibility: An ordinary gold band ring with a diamond centre. It has the power to make Jane invisible(from heat vision and sight). Jane can also use healing magic. Magic Level: S History: Jane doesn't have any early child-hood memories, her oldest memories being when she and Maxie had joined Shadow Heart after Georgie found them and took them in at the age of 8 (Maxie was 10) and has been at the guild since, becoming one of the most powerful members besides Georgie herself. She is one of the least wanted wizards in the guild despite being by Maxie's side during most of his actions. She doesn't tend to have a high tolerance towards blood or violence, unlike many other guild members. (What I am about to say she doesn't know though) She grew up in a small village on the outskirts of Fiore, having an ordinary childhood and she lived happily with her parents and brother till her brothers magic awakened when he was 10 and it gained the attention of Shadow Heart. Shadow Heart raided the village, slaughtering everyone who they deemed to be a pest and burned the place to the ground. They later found Maxie in the burning rubble with Jane in his arms and wiped their memories of what happened previously from their minds before taking them in. Personality: Cold and calculating, Jane uses her brain rather than her emotions when making decisions. She doesn't show much emotion even at the best of times, except when being petted on the head by Maxie and then she acts much like a puppy dog. She feels like she owes Goergie a massive debt by her 'saving' Jane and Maxie, and thus has decided to protect her and the guild. She tries to stay safe from harm and aas Maxie will get nervous/worried if she is gone for longer then he said he would, or if she gets hurt and she doesn't want her brother to worry about her. She also gets jealous when he talks to other people. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, it's a dark purple colour and is on her stomach. Team Members: Maxie Firestorm Three Strengths: 1. Versatility 2. Making tough decisions 3. Quick on her feet Three Weaknesses: 1. Gets scared by the sight of blood 2. Is dependant on her brother A LOT 3. Cute Things Greatest Love: Painting. She loves to paint her surroundings. Motivation: None at this stage other than to stay with her brother she must become stronger Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Arthur] Name: Arthur Kingston Age: 23 Birthday: 22/07 Magic: Dance Magic: Anyone who comes into contact with his magic dances uncontrollably, without exception. Yes that includes himself. Magic Level: C History: He grew up pretty normally, he learned magic at a young age and everybody in his village loved his magic. He eventually left though and joined Shadow Heart after falling in love with Georgie when she had passed though on a recruitment drive. Personality: He is quite a simple guy really, have fun and make sure everyone else has fun with you. Probably the most normal member besides his magic. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, a blood red colour and on his right knuckles. Team Members: James Lumin and Jessica Albert Three Strengths: 1. Loveable 2. Friendly 3. Expert at distractions Three Weaknesses: 1. Has no combat ability 2. Is quite weak 3. Can't say no to his guild-mates Greatest Love: Dancing. He loves doing it, and loves spreading it everywhere. Motivation: To help Georgie fulfill her dreams Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Jessica] Name: Jessica Albert Age: 19 Birthday: 23/09 Magic: Darkness Make (She can form objects made out of darkness) Magic Level: B History: Her parents were at the guild since it's founding, so she learned magic from them until their deaths when she was 15. Since then she has been in a team with James and Arthur. Personality: She has a twisted sense of justice in which the guilds version of 'fun' is actually justice and those who try to stop it are 'evil'. Besides that twist part of her personality she is generally pretty easy to talk to and a general good person. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, bright pink and on the middle of her chest Team Members: James Lumin and Arthur Kingston Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. She has a vivid imagination 2. Kind 3. Knows how to gather information efficiently Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. In general quite weak 2. Is annoyed easily 3. Can get along with enemy too well Greatest Love: Justice is everything to her Motivation: To protect her guild from 'evil-doers' Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=James] Name: James Luther Lumin (Known as LL) Age: 20 Birthday: 12/11 Magic: Light Magic: Manipulates light to attack or blind the enemy Magic Level: C History: Similar to Jessica in that his parents joined the guild, but he joined roughly the same time his parents did about 5 years ago. His parents retired recently so he went and joined Arthur and Jessica's team as they became friends with each other the course of a few years. Personality: James like the rest of his team tends to be easily to get along with, and in fact he tries to avoid violence where he can and prefers to take the 'legitimate' requests. But when angered or to protect his guild he becomes a being of almost pure rage and will try and kill who ever make him that state. Of course he isn't strong enough to beat most people like this anyway XD Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, black and on his palm. Team Members: Arthur Kingston and Jessica Albert Three Strengths: 1. Protective of his teammates 2. Can negotiate quite well 3. Can infiltrate easily Three Weaknesses: 1. His temper 2. Patience level is quite low 3. A little too nice to his foes Greatest Love: His guild Motivation: To protect his guild Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: Is in love with Jessica [/hider] [hider=Johnny] Name: Gypsy (Real name: Johnny Rider) Age: 39 Birthday: 17/07 Magic: Cursed Eye Magic: His eyes, depending on colour at time, have different magical properties Hypnosis Magic (Purple): Anyone who looks looks directly into his eyes will be drawn in, and if they fail to draw their attention away he can hypnotise them and get them to do whatever he pleases. Medusa Eyes (Green): Similar to hypnosis, but turns the target to tone Red Eyes: Generate beams of pure heat energy from the eyes Blue Eyes: X-Ray Vision Yellow Eyes: See and track the souls of others, both the living and the deceased Magic Level: C History: An orphan which Georgie took in when she founded the guild. He is from the country of Seven, where he lived in a large bustling city before his powers awakened and he was outcast, and left on the street to die. Here the then young(er) Georgie found him and offered him a place at her guild, and as such he has stayed a constant and steady member of the guild. Personality: Strong and caring, but also strict and cruel, he is the father figure of the guild and most of the younger members look up to him and respect (and fear) him. He enjoys being a mentor to the younger wizards and spends most of his time at the guild devising new ways for them to improve. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, dark green and on the left hand side of his chest Team Members: None, though he does tend to play a mentor role at the guild Three Strengths: 1. Versatility 2. Experienced 3. Cooking Three Weaknesses: 1. Direct eye contact is generally needed for most powers to work efficiently 2. Speed based opponents (Harder to track) 3. Usage of his powers causes him to become blind over time Greatest Love: Teaching the younger wizards Motivation: To teach all the younger wizards so they can surpass him eventually (same have >.>) Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Emily] Name: Emily Van Bunt Age: 19 Birthday: 19/02 Magic: Shadow Make: She can control shadows, using it to form weapons, attacks or even morphing into clones of herself (the clones themselves cannot attack) Magic Level: A History: A girl brought up in a rich family (with a lot of secret debts to a certain evil teddy bear girl), people expected highly of her. Under pressure, she took to goth and magic. She got sent away one night, because her parents couldn't keep up with the debts they owed Georgie so Georgie took Emily as 'payment' and then burned her home to the ground with her parents still inside :P This was when she was 12, shortly there-after she meet a certain white haired jerk and for some strange reason managed to get a crush on him. Ever since then she has kinda...stalked him wherever possible. Personality: Shy, quiet and quite timid Emily is the very opposite of what one views as a 'dark guild wizard'. Of course this is only to those that don't get her to open up....for when she opens up, she is revealed to be a sick, twisted person who will torture people for fun and kill them in horrible gruesome ways; but she can't handle social situations at all. She has stalking tendencies when she is interested in something or someone, or if one jobs. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, black and on her left thigh Team Members: Emma Stone Three Strengths: 1. Observant 2. Devoted 3. Hiding Three Weaknesses: 1. In complete darkness her powers are useless, as without light there are no shadows 2. CRAZY 3. Can get overexcited Greatest Love: Killing humans in gruesome fashion Motivation: To enjoy live to the fullest, even if it is murdering innocent people >.> Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Emma] Name: Emma Stone Age: 12 Birthday: 17/07 Magic: Plushie Magic: Her plushies have the power to transform into one scary a*s motherf*cker, each own getting their own unique set of skills. BTW all she needs is a plushie for her powers to work: Dog: Quick and hits hard, but has low defensive powers Bear: Hits hard and tanks harder, but is quite slow Snake: Similar to the dog, except gets poison added to its damage I will make them up as they continue to come XD Magic Level: B History: Found as a baby abandoned on the street after her mother had been beaten to death because she herself had been a wizard, which had been found out by some vigilantes who decided to 'rid the world of evil'. She was found by Jessica's parents. Ever since she has been raised as Georgie's daughter, so if asked she generally replies that Georgie is her mother. Hence where she got her love of bears from. The bear was a gift from Georgie, and at that moment she awakened her magic (she was 9 at the time). Personality: Generally pretty soft-spoken, she does however speak with a harsh tongue which doesn't match the tone of voice she has. She tends to hide behind Gypsy or Maxie when threatened (and the two of them are nearby) or if they aren't nearby will cuddle her plushie before saying 'sick'em' and then watch in glee as her bear rips her opponent limb from limb. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, aqua blue and on her back Team Members: Emily Van Bunt Three Strengths: 1. Does adorableness count? 2. Super powerful dog -_- 3. Has a large vocabulary Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. She has no way to defend herself without the dog 2. Is petrified of cats (random) 3. Inexperienced Greatest Love: Collecting plushies Motivation: To live up to her 'mother's' expectations Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Henry] Name: Henry Scott (Silent Death) Age: 26 Birthday: 24/08 Magic: Invisibility, Telepathy and Requip (Stock standard weapons) Magic Level: B History: Doesn't talk about it (AKA Gotten to the point where I am sick of histories XD) Personality: Whether he be mute or not, no-one knows as he has never uttered a word except with telepathy and even then only when he feels the need. He is also a pacifist and doesn't like violence, despite this has shown murderous episodes, especially at night. He will stalk his victim at night till he feels the moment is appropriate then he will slit their throats and be gone. If he fails to land a mortal injury he tends to flee, as he wants to limit the violence. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, white on his left cheek Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Difficult to sense or find 2. Staring contests 3. Reading Three Weaknesses: 1. Violence 2. Chocolate, he will get distracted by chocolate and is easily bribed by it 3. Social Skills Greatest Love: Chocolate. He LOVES chocolate. Motivation: None, he is the least motivated person you will ever meet Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Oswald] Name: Oswald Gen Age: 65 Birthday: 31/12 Magic: Lightning (Former), None Magic Level: S (Former), D History: Oswald was the first S Class wizard of Shadow Heart and was probably their 2nd most powerful member behind only Georgie for the first 25 or so years of the guild's history. That all changed though 5 years ago when he fought against one of the guild masters, ending in his complete annihilation and a chance blow to his spine during the battle made him a permanent paraplegic and also lose his ability to cast magic. Since then he has been confined to a wheelchair and spends most of his days hanging around the guild and being a bitter old man. Personality: He has become quite bitter since he lost that fight to a guildmaster, but before the fight he had been a quite energetic bloody thirsty person who would fight anyone and anything to the death. He has shown glimpses of his past self, but not to the point of actually fighting. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, black and on his stomach. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. He can pass his experience onto the young wizards 2. He is an awesome cook 3. He can sew like a boss Three Weaknesses: 1. He has lost his ability to cast any major magic 2. He has lost his ability to walk and thus maneuver well 3. He has a habit of stabbing himself while knitting or sewing Greatest Love: Killing things Motivation: To defeat all who stand in the way of the guild Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: He has been know to sew and knit. [/hider] [hider=Kalin] Name: Kalin Rain Age: 14 Birthday: 13/12 Magic: Weapon Make (Can make weapons out of magical power and materials around him) Magic Level: C History: Cannot be bothered at this stage Personality: Childish, immature, inexperienced and loud-mouthed, Kalin generally doesn't know how to shut up and tends to talk himself up to be a super strong, super experienced fighter when he is the exact opposite. Although Maxie has noted his has potential. He is generally seen around the guild covered in bruises or bandages due to the amount of fights he gets in. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, dark green and on his right calf. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Eager 2. Quick healing 3. Knows how to use terrain to his advantage Three Weaknesses: 1. Horribly inexperienced 2. Quick-tempered 3. Childish Greatest Love: Fighting Motivation: To become the strongest wizard ever Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Simon] Name: Simon Rhook Age: 33 Birthday: 24/4 Magic: Alchemy: A form of lost magic upon which the user can send magical power into the ground to create or destroy objects Magic Level: A History: An ex-mercenary turned dark wizard, he was a later bloomer not awakening his magic till he was in his late twenties and was soon sought after by Georgie and asked to join the guild. Personality: Narcissistic, egocentric, greedy and power hungry. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, bright yellow and on his left elbow Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. He can create and destroy anything (provided he has the materials required to make the object >.>) 2. Incredible self-confidence 3. Level-headed Three Weaknesses: 1. Cannot see past his own ego 2. Tends to forget people, even in combat 3. Narcissistic Greatest Love: Himself Motivation: To create a world where he is supreme! Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Lilith] Name: Lilith 'Succubus' Johnson Age: 22 Birthday: 11/11 Magic: Succubus Drain: By kissing or seducing the opponent Lilith can drain them of their magical power even to the point of killing them to replenish her own own magical power, or to give herself a 'power-up' in which she gains demonic wings, grows sharp claws and gains super-strength and speed. She also knows some dark magic skills such as (only 3 >.>): Darkness Orb: She throws an orb of pure darkness at an opponent which can deal some damage Dark Whip: Creates a whip made of darkness Dark Dolls: She can create an army of dark dolls to overwhelm her enemy Magic Level: S History: Probably having the most disturbing back-story in the entire guild, Lilith not only murdered her own family but also EXPERIMENTED with her magic on them, draining her mother and father of their existence before slowly torturing her older brother to death. She only spared her younger sister, mainly because she also unlocked her magic in an attempt to save the rest of her family from death but to no avail. Shortly afterwards Georgie found both sisters and took them in. Lilith's younger sister (understandably >.>) doesn't like her very much due to this, despite both joining the same guild. But both for different reasons, where Lilith joined so she could murdered people to her heart's content her sister followed her so that one day she may exact vengeance on her older sister. Personality: Flirty and outgoing, she will laugh as she murders you in the most brutal way or sucks out your soul :P She is also known to love dancing, so she generally gets along with Arthur quite well. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, grey and on her left shoulder. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Seduction 2. Getting away with murder (?) 3. Dancing Three Weaknesses: 1. Her magic only works if she can kiss her opponent (or someone to drain anyway) 2. Her sister, despite how much her younger sister hates her she still loves her anyway and will protect her at all costs 3. Enclosed spaces, they're her worst nightmare Greatest Love: Sucking out souls Motivation: To create a world in which is the ruler Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Yuki] Name: Yuki Haganai Age: 22 Birthday: 17/06 Magic: Trip Over: Anybody in her vicinity will trip over if they approach her for no apparent reason Magic Level: C History: Born and raised in the countryside, she has always been a huge clutz. Her parents were simple farmers, so you can imagine the chaos created the time when she fell over and let all the chickens out, or the time she dropped the bucket of milk all over the farm dog, or the time she forgot to lock the barn doors and all the animals got out. And it got WORSE when she awakened to her magic, as not only as she tripping over nothing but so WERE THE ANIMALS. She eventually ran away from home when she was 16 as her parents were struggling to get the debt collectors at bay and she didn't wish to be a burden anymore. Strangely enough her parents still accepted her despite all the problems she had, which was another factor in her running away as she knew that it was only a matter of time till others found out about her magic and prosecuted them about it; and she loved her parents too much to let that happen. Some time later she was picked up and found by Oswald when he was on a mission and brought back to the guild in a half-dead state where she has stayed as the guild's bartender (once of course they got her to control her powers) Personality: Clumsy and shy, she is a strange addition to see at a dark guild as she generally has the effect of lightening the mood; whether that be with her tripping over, causing others to trip over or her bright smile she seems to have an adverse effect on the guild. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, violet and on her right elbow. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. She can make very powerful alcoholic beverages 2. She can lightening dark moods 3. Getting people to laugh Three Weaknesses: 1. Useless in combat 2. A klutz 3. Frail Greatest Love: Her parents Motivation: She wishes to see her parents once more, but is too scared to face them so wishes to find the courage to see her parents again Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Angela] Name: Angela Terra Age: 13 Birthday: 31/10 Magic: Jack O'Lantern- She fires carved pumpkin lanterns with different coloured flames inside, each flame having a different effect when they explode: Red: Sprays fire that will also have an acidic property inserted into it Orange: Instead of fire, this one fires flaming shrapnel Yellow: This one has the effect of being able to home in on opponents Green: This fire can heal Blue: This can actually freeze AND burn the opponent on contact Purple: The fire that spreads is very difficult to put out Magic Level: C History: Another orphan that Georgie picked up from the street, Angela has no memories prior to joining the guild. But I will give a backstory regardless :P She was born into a happy family in Mongolia, and lived the happy lifestyle till she was 5 and she first saw a wizard. From that point she was fixated on magic, much to her parents horror, and loved dressing up as a witch with a broomstick (no apparent reason for that, as no wizard dresses like that XD) and pretending to be a wizard who would cast 'light' spells on her friends and family, but 'dark' spells on her 'enemies'. Of course when her magic awakened when she was 9 she was ecstatic, her parents...not so much. Despite their struggles, they couldn't stop her from wanting to learn how to use her magic and an argument broke out between her and her parents. Long story short, her house burned to the ground with her parents still inside when she lost control of her magic during the argument, burning her own parents to death. Georgie found the poor girl amongst the burning wreckage when she had 'just so happened to be walking past' and took her to the guild to treat her injuries, and wiping her memories of her life before the guild as she didn't want her to remember her killing her own parents. Personality: She is quite playful and curious, often enjoying playing tag, hide and seek and the like. She also loves exploring and sweet foods, along of course she adores all kinds of magic no matter how 'crude' or 'simple' they might be and will always compliment people on their magics. Whenever she meets a new wizard she will demand to see their magic, and she is of course a huge fan of the Grand Magic games. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, orange and on her left hand. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Quite knowledgeable on magic despite her young age 2. Can memorise any magic and more often than not pick out their weaknesses 3. Innocence? Three Weaknesses: 1. Small body = gets smashed in fights XD 2. Her curiosity often gets the better of her 3. Inexperience? Greatest Love: Magic Motivation: To see every magic in the world Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Ori] Name: Ori Ginal (Yes I just did that XD) Age: 25 Birthday: 23/07 Magic: The Sword: He has the ability to make swords appear out of his body, or transform parts of his body into swords. He is also shown to have been immune to swords, and they're generally destroyed on impact Magic Level: A History: Previously enrolled in the Fiore Navy, when his superiors found out about his magic he was promptly kicked out so he became a dark mage to get back at them, in the hopes one day he gets a request to kill them. But he has also shown to, well at least try, be a womanizer. Personality: Since joining Shadow Heart his mind has become dark and twisted, he is a bloodthirsty man who will go out of his way just to kill people who cross his path. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, dark green and on his back Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. He is a lot quicker than most people think 2. 3. Three Weaknesses: 1. Short temper 2. Gets distracted easily 3. Is weak to women Greatest Love: Killing Motivation: To kill those who scorned him Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Rin] Name: Rin Inu Age: 16 Birthday: 13/01 Magic: Furry Dog:The ability to make himself a dog furry and anyone who he touches as the dog furry becomes one themselves, losing all their previous magic until he either dispels his magic or he is defeated. He can also change his size in this form and make copies of himself. Magic Level: A History: Isn't actually a human, but a homunculus which was created by Georgie experimenting with magic and human bodies in the attempt to create the perfect subordinate. He was the result so she gave up shortly afterwards XD Personality: Playful like a puppy, he tends to have the mind of a 3 year old just about and will go around and tag people in his furry form just to have fellow puppies around him! But he has shown a serious a twisted side to him, in that he finds it fun to not only transform people into furries, but also to brutally murder then once he has. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, light blue and on his left chest Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Adorable as f*ck 2. Slippery to catch and hold 3. Eating contests Three Weaknesses: 1. He HATES cats 2. Doesn't like pain 3. Has a tendency to leave himself open to attacks Greatest Love: Having fun! Motivation: To spread fun around the world! Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Lavi] Name: Lavi Grimoire Age: 31 Birthday: 12/08 Magic: Astral Scythe: He can create magical, solid scythes that can cut through anything....they can't do much else. Magic Level: A History: CBB Personality: He is a blood-thirsty ego-maniac who enjoys butchering not only the targets on his requests, but also (if he can) his cilents. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, dark red and on his right chest Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. His scythes take almost no magic to create 2. He can make multiple scythes of different sizes 3. Stealthy Three Weaknesses: 1. His magic is considerably weaker in the day 2. Can get a little carried away with murder and mayhem and forget his surroundings 3. Is weak to fire and holy magic Greatest Love: Blood Motivation: To find someone who he cannot kill Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Pyro] Name: Pyro Storm Age: 43 Birthday: 13/11 Magic: Fire Magic- Just stock standard fire spells, you know fireballs and the like Magic Level: A History: Has been at the guild longer than most other members, joining when it was still a fledgling guild and has watched it grow into the massive dark guild it is today and is actually in charge of their 'outside Fiore' activities. Personality: Pyro is a calm, level-headed man who rarely loses his cool. He is quite intelligent and likes to smoke. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, black and on his right forearm Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. He can easily gain people's trust 2. Is quite good at negotiations 3. Is very good at running the business side of the guild, e.g. requests, financial Three Weaknesses: 1. He smokes XD 2. He can sometimes give people missions too hard or too easy for their level 3. For some strange reason, fire magic is the most effective against him meanwhile water will have no effect Greatest Love: Money Motivation: To earn as much money as possible Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: Is Shiro's and Ethel Storm's uncle [/hider] [hider=Manami] Name: 'The Mad Water Saint' Manami Fuyu Age: 23 Birthday: 13/01 Magic: Water Saint: A lost magic that has a holy characteristic to it. Her element of water mainly consists of defensive and healing spells, but still has plenty of powerful attacking options. Magic Level: S History: Raised in a cathedral after her mother died during childbirth, and her father owning the cathedral, Manami was chosen at a young age, 9 to be precise, to be the recipient of 'Gabriel's blessing'. The ritual involved sacrificing innocent children but it was something her father and the elder members of the church agreed was a necessary sacrifice to avoid another slayer incident like with Zeref, as they viewed that the Water Saint magic was the one destined to defeat all slayer magic. The ritual succeeded for the most part but something strange did happen. One of the sacrifices, a girl about Manami's age, survived despite the fact that she had been stabbed and drained of all blood for the ritual. Believing this to be 'an act of god' they let the girl live as well and raised her with Manami to be her 'guardian'. This girl was named Shiro for her white hair. Manami and Shiro grew close over the years as they trained their magic together, neither of them remembering the ritual which gifted Manami her magic. Every day for 7 years she was told that her magic was to be used to stop the slayers from once more taking over the world and she gradually grew to hate any slayer magic. It wasn't until Manami's 16th birthday was the truth revealed to her about her magic. Naturally she was outraged at being used like this, and disgusted with how she had gained her magic. One day when Shiro had gone to do some errands for the church Manami slaughtered every member of the church, including her father, and burned the church to the ground. She fled that day in fear of prosecution by the law and was recruited by Georgie soon after. A few years later she found out Shiro had joined the guild as well and when they met again for the first time Shiro tried to kill Manami, calling her a 'traitor' who must be eradicated. Georgie intervened and explained everything in detail to Shiro, who believe Georgie an Manami's story and has since decided to aid Manami in her quest to kill all the slayers. Despite this they have yet to actually meet a slayer XD Personality: Kind-hearted, elegant and lady-like Yuki is generally well-spoken and polite to most people she meets. She has an 'older sister' personality in that she dotes on her younger guild members quite a bit; Angela in particular. She has a warm sounding voice which is rarely raised and she is a rarity amongst dark wizards. At this is how she appears on the outside. She has the patience of a saint; but when her patience has run out that is when people find out why she is a notorious dark wizard. She becomes a bloodthirsty, murderous person once her patience has run out or if she has engaged with her target/prey who won't stop unless she is defeated or her target is taken down. Her and Shiro form a formidable combo. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart + a dark blue color on her left thigh Team Members: Shiro Hime Three Strengths: 1. Deceptive personality 2. Patience 3. Flexible with her magic Three Weaknesses: 1. Her younger guildmates/people younger than her in general 2. Electricity magic is highly effective against her 3. She has a fear electricity Greatest Love: Doting on people younger than her Motivation: To kill all slayers to prevent what happened 100 years ago Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Shiro] Name: 'The Ice Queen' Shiro Hime Age: 21 Birthday: 15/08 Magic: Teleportation (can only do so over short distance, among other restrictions such as can't teleport while swinging her weapon) The entire scythe is made from pure mithril. It is also magically infused with lacrima's to absorb the users magical energy to make it indestructible. Also relatively good at hand-to-hand combat, close combat and can channel magic to increase her physical strength or that of her scythes durability. Magic Level: A History: Shiro was an orphan and was raised at the same church that Manami's father ran. Of course he only collect orphans so as to sacrifice them later for his daughter to gain Water Saint magic. Shiro was the only one to survive the deadly ritual, and taking it as an act of god the church allowed her to live so she could become Manami's 'guardian'. She detests slayers due to the 7 years worth of 'brain-washing' from the church about how slayer magic is evil and must be eradicated, or another incident like the Zeref one from 100 years ago would be repeated. She trained with Manami for 7 years honing her skills and magic. She was absent on errands when Manami slaughtered the church and when she returned to find the burning church, and after finding out Manami had been responsible, she vowed vengeance on her old best friend. She eventually tracked Manami down 3 years later and joined the guild in an attempt to assassinate her. Of course it failed and a fight broke out between the old friends before Georgie intervened and explained everything to Shiro. Shiro wasn't persuaded at first, but mainly because she wanted it to be true she accepted the explanation. Since then the two have formed a deadly combo which even the fabled brother-sister combo of Maxie and Jane have struggled against. Personality: Normally cold and detached from rest of the world, Shiro has no problem in dealing serious, possibly even deadly, blows to her foes without a single ounce of remorse. She tends to ignore most people as she deems them worms, and no one talked to worms now did they? Her icy cold exterior however when she interacts with Manami, generally showing genuine emotions (well to the best of her ability). Due to her lack of emotions she also has a rather robotic-like mind as well. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart + White and it is her left iris Team Members: Manami Three Strengths: 1. A perfect pokerface 2. Can make the 'hard decisions' quite easily 3. Running errands Three Weaknesses: 1. Naive 2. A terrible cook 3. Interacting with people for lengthy periods of time Greatest Love: Her best, and only, friend Manami Motivation: To help Manami with her mission Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Simon Iris] Name: Simon Iris Age: 33 Birthday: 11/07 Magic: All Seeing Eyes: His eyes are super sensitive to flows of magic, meaning he can track even the faintest signs of magic use and can normally know ones magic by looking at them (unless he doesn't know the magic). He can also has enhanced eyesight. He can see things which most people can't. Magic Level: B due to his magic's non-combatant ways History: An ex-carny gypsy who joined Shadow Heart after his troupe was attacked and killed by bandits, wishing to get vengeance on the bandit group who did this. Once this was achieved he joined as the guilds resident psychic. Personality: Generally pretty calm and level headed, but also very sensitive and is known for his mood swings. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart + black and on his shoulder Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Photographic memory 2. Is probably the best tracker in all of Fiore 3. An excellent cook Three Weaknesses: 1. Is useless in combat 2. Has a habit of letting important information slip out 3. Can't say no to helping his guild mates Greatest Love: Seeing 'perfect' magic flows Motivation: Repaying his debt to the guild Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Amelia] Name: Amelia Smith Age: 14 Birthday: 14/01 Magic: Orb Magic: A series of small magical orbs which do several different things orbit the user. Amelia can control up to 18 orbs at a time and can use 7 different types at this stage in time. The user also makes them out of their magical energy, so can replenish at will as long as the magical energy to do so is available. Despite the fact she can control that many at a time, the most she can make in a day (assuming she is only controlling less than 5 at a time) is 29 orbs. Since she is also so young they don't really pack that much of a punch either. Cherry Red Orb: Shoots out a small stream of fire, the more orbs the larger the fire Ocean Blue Orb: Creates a force-field, the more orbs of this kind there are the more powerful the force-field Cream Orb: Is launched at the enemy and explodes on contact Mithril orb: Name speaks for itself what it is XD but just in case an orb of mithril used to launch at opponents Chocolate Brown: Creates a smokescreen when destroyed Fluro Pink: Sends out an electromagnetic wave that can interfere with lacrima's and other sensitive magics, the more orbs the stronger the frequency and larger the radius Onyx Black: The strongest orb of all. Amelia cannot fully control this one but it can manipulate the shadows/darkness around her and use it as she sees fit. Magic Level: A History: One of the many 'orphans' which Georgie has collected in her [s]reign of terror[/s]journeys around Fiore and other countries. Amelia was born into a noble family from a neighboring country before she was thrown out for having developed her magic at a very young age when she ran into Georgie when she just 'happened' to be running errands in the area. She had found her starving to death in an alley and took her back to the guild to raise her in an environment 'more benefiting ones magical talents'. Personality: Bored easily, Amelia likes to 'play' around with the other guild members; whether it be through pranks, playing an actual game or annoying the crap out of her fellow guild members. She views Angela as a rival. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart + back of right calf Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Versatility 2. Swimming 3. Cheating at games Three Weaknesses: 1. When she doesn't cheat she tends to be QUITE bad at games 2. Is bored rather easily so gets into mischief/trouble 3. Inexperienced and doesn't know much about the world Greatest Love: Playing games Motivation: Hates losing with a passion Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=James Underwood] Name: James 'The Ghost' Underwood Age: 24 Birthday: 26/02 Magic: Phase Magic: This magic gives the user the ability to phase through solid objects. Most magic will also phase through him, but anything like electricity, the cold or heat can still hit him. Magic Level: B History: A thief who joined the guild so as to get money from requests Personality: Sadistic and greedy, James' greed normally gets the best of him and he normally has to be broken out of prison by one of his guild-mates Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart + a creamy colour and on his back Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Expert thief 2. Excellent memory 3. Good situation reading, e.g. knows when to get the hell out of there XD Three Weaknesses: 1. Greedy beyond belief and this can cloud his usual good decision making skills 2. Magic that isn't 'physical', aka a solid or a liquid (or semi-liquid). So gas-like magic, psychic magic or electric magic (amongst others) are highly effective 3. Gets caught way too easily for an expert thief Greatest Love: Money Motivation: Money Appearance: [img] [/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Sophie] Name: Sophie Age: 13 Birthday: 02/12 Magic: Magic Gems: A holder-type magic which resides in gemstones normally worn as a necklace, in Sophie's case she wears it as a bracelet. The gems have differing effects depending on which is owned. Sophie owns: Amber: Allows the user to cast basic fire magic Beryl: Enhances the personal charm of the wearer and offers Protection from harm when traveling Diamond-Enables inner peace and calm, Provides protection against poisoning and Enhances the strength of other gems Jasper-Allows the user to cast basic earth magic Lapis Lazuli-Strengthening of physical, mental and psychic powers and allows the user to cast basic wind magic Pearl-Allows the user to cast basic water magic Magic Level: B History: Her parents died when she was young before she was found and recruited by Jane during one of her missions. As such she idolises Jane and views her as the person she wishes to be when she grows up. Personality: Princess-like, she is quite prideful and thinks highly of herself and her guild. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart + jet black on her right thigh Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. She is strangely enough a freakishly good angler. Strange. 2. Communication, she is always willing to speak her mind and listen to others so is good at communication 3. Knowledge on rocks is unparalleled amongst her peers XD Three Weaknesses: 1. Teamwork is not her strong suit 2. Her pride certainly 3. Inexperienced in battle Greatest Love: Gemstones Motivation: To collect every magical gemstone Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: [/hider]