[b]Jackson[/b] "One more God Damn day of guard duty and I'll shoot someone.." Jackson though getting out of bed and pulling his clothes on. The Brotherhood hadn't been up to much fighting lately because of their lack of men, Jackson, a high ranking Paladin on guard duty, it made him sick thinking about. Mavarek the Head Elder believed that their few men were only really needed where they were needed. In his words he didn't want the few men they had dying. Jackson walked out of his room near the top of Sky Citadel where the main living quarters A was, the high ranking officers slept. "Shadow" A voice called and made its way around the corner. "Yes?" He answered quickly only recognizing the voice as a detraction. "Mavarek needs to see you soon, got a mission for you I guess. Got a pre-war school he wants you to check out." The man added. "Aye" Jackson said with a salute and a wave of a hand to let the man know to leave. He walked up to the door that led to the main chambers where Elder Mavarek was, only missions giving by him are quite important, usually not the case, Usually the Head Knight or Head Paladin. "Elder" He said as he walked in to the large room. There was but a single long metal table in the middle of the room where the mission meetings were held. The windows all along the walls in the room were boarded and there was paperwork stuck to many boards along next to them. "Ah yes Shadow." He said looking up from the end of the table, as soon as he spoke four men moved out from the room next to him, he recognized them as some Junior knights by the look. They glanced over to him and nodded. "I've gotten word of a school to the north-west of Old Mans Corner that in Pre-War was a research university for Engineering and Applied Science. Perhaps there may be some useful tech there for the Brotherhoods taking." He said plainly finishing with a smile. The Elder was a kind man, understanding, always looking for the betterment of the Brotherhood, he was the reason that they still stood in New York and will continue to stand. "You will lead this small band of junior knights to the university and look for anything you can salvage, Understood" He continued. "Yes Sir" He turned to the two men standing off the the side at the door leading to the adjacent room. "Understood men?" He asked them. "Yes sir" They said loudly at the same time. "Scouts I have sent before you to watch the area have brought back news of wondering raiders and bands of Super-mutants, the raiders are in the right mind not to open fire on you for that would be a death sentence for them, but the super- mutants will not hold their trigger, they will try and kill you." He said directed towards the two Junior knights "You have completed your missions that have led you to Knight Status but you have yet to fight the monsters of the world. I beg of you, take caution" He said looking down at his paper. He waved his hand telling them to be off and all the men shuffled out of the room. Jackson went down to the bottom armory and to his sector and locker putting on his Combat suit and grabbing his assult rifle. "Bring back some good shit" a Junior Knight who overheard his mission said as he geared up. He shrugged off the comment and walked over to his Power Armor, flipped a switch opening the back, he stepped in grabbing his helmet as he left the room. [b]John[/b] It took days, long walking and having the move in the dead of night. The night was the best cover, the rabid ghouls and bands of raiders were too much for John to take out, he was the only one with fire power besides Alayna's pistol but just looking at her he felt as though she had little to no firing experience. The woman was interesting and nice though, John and her quickly made friends. After the last night they scouted Old Mans Corner, not daring step foot inside it. As they made their way around the south end, keeping cover from the trees of the old park they found the boy. Shot 5 times in the back and left to rot. John had to near tackle Aydon so that they wouldn't hear his weeps. He was a fighter, he must of tried running. They turned and left before much was said. Not much could be said. [i]A few nights later..[/i] John woke in a cold sweat as he head the explosions and the screams from outside. He jumped up and ran to the other side of his room where the metal opening was and looked down, he saw many men rushing out of the courtyard fences and onto the bridge. "Dammit!" John screamed and grabbed his sniper positioning it outside his window . He looked down the scope, it looked as though they were.. taking people.. A hole in Johns stomach pained him and he felt like he was going to vomit when he heard the screams of the women being dragged out. He took a shot, nearly missing one of the invaders head. As another explosion went off the smoke filled the sky above them, blocking John's vision of the attack, and filling his nose. As the smoke and dust cleared, the screams were gone. And so were the invaders. Gone, as quickly in the night as they had come.