[@Minimum] Name: Wolf Ironheart Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Dark black hair, Pale face, Pearly white eyes(Blind), 5ft 11in, Beast: Rat First Weapon Type: Walking staff School:Necromancy Day 1: Period 3: Dragon Speak Period 4: Sparring Day 2: Period 5: True Sight Day 3: Period 2: Potions/Alchemy Period 4: Magic duelling Period 5: Protection Personality: Very morbid outlook, Finds death humourous, Gentle, Soft-spoken, Kind, Want to help others History: Born to unknown parents, Wolf Ironheart has been an orphan ever since he became four and was later raised by a local prostitute. He got a taste of his magic powers when one day, as he was sitting and listening to the sounds of the sewer, he hear the voices of those who he has never heard there before.