Avery smiled at Roland as hey waited for Mr. Noonan to return after is phone call as she learned to be his wife that Mr. Noonan was talking to about letting her stay with them. She was glad to hear that his wife was ok with her staying at thier place after all that has happened to her. "I am sorta ready I don;t really have any clotes theey ripped off what I as wearng once I was brought to the emergancy room so I only have the hospital gown that I have on." She said to them for she felt weird if she had to walk around in just a hospital gown. All the nurses can really do was give her another one so i could cver her back side so she cold walk out feeling seured that no one would see anything that they are not suppose to see. "Sorry that I did not mention it earlier I wa not thinking about it untl now." She said to them as she looked at them hoping they were not mad about her not telling them sooner about it.